2,500-Year-Old Scythian Warriοr Fοund In Untοuched Grave In Siberian ‘Valley Of The Kings’

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
September 29, 2023

The warrior recovered by an archaeologist from the University of Jagiellonian in Krakow, buried with his sword and gold decorations, was located in an unbroken tomb in an area renowned for its abundance of burial sites and grave robbing.

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The so-called “Siberian Valley of the Kings” is located in the Asian portion of the Russian Federation and is named after its Egyptian equivalent.

It was named for the numerous gigantic kurgan tombs, which frequently contained royal treasures of thinking.

2,500-Year-Old Burial Mound Discovered In Siberia's 'Valley Of The Kings'

Just one of the two graves they discovered had been looted, while the other remained undamaged.

According to the Science in Poland website, the archaeological site of Chinge-Tey, where the new riches were discovered by Poles, is jointly managed by the State Hermitage Museum of Saint Petersburg and the Korean Seoul University (Nauka w Polsce).

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Dr. Lukasz Oleszczak, the commander of the Polish expedition, told PAP, “For our investigation, we picked a 25-meter-diameter kurgan that is nearly undetectable.

Unique Golden Pectoral Ornament Found in 2,500-Year-Old Scythian Grave |  Ancient Origins

We hoped it would go unnoticed by the thieves.

Within found the skeleton of a young warrior with all of his equipment. The space surrounding his head was adorned with a gold sheet pectoral, a glss bead, and a gold spiral for embellishing the braid.”

Researchers also discovered a sharpening stone and the Scythian’s weapon – a bronze battle-axe with a stylized eagle’s head, arrows, an iron dagger, and bow shards — an assortment of equipment a warrior traversing the Siberian forest would require.

The Scythians buried their dead in kurgans, some of which resembled distant hills.

Dr. Oleszczak stated, “Some well-preserved objects were composed of organic substances. A leather quiver, arrow spars, the axe’s shaft, and a belt are among them.”


The artifacts date to the seventh or sixth century B.C. Scythians were nomads from Central Asia who conquered Eastern Europe due to their passion for warfare.

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Herodotus, a Greek historian, recounted their accomplishments.

This year’s interment was encircled by a small trench. Within, archaeologists discovered dozens of pottery vessel fragments and animal bones, primarily from cows, horses, goats, and sheep.

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Most likely, they are remnants of religious rites and ceremonies, such as funeral wakes.

The Polish archaeologists will continue their work at Chinge-Tey, as they have yet to completely analyze one of the graves they discovered.