The church of Abuna Gebre Mikael is one of the most beautiful in the Gheralta (4th century) Ethiopia It has four windows through which the sanctuary receives enough light

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
January 6, 2024

The church of Abune Gebre Mikael

is located a short distance south of Abune Yemata Guh, about 16 kms far. It is set upon the western side of Koraro, a long stretch of forest devoid red façade sandstone escarpment.

It is carved into a small cliff at the top of this rocky hill.

From the outside the church is quite unassuming. Inside the church is stunning: the architecture is great and the paintings covering the domed ceilings and the pillars are gorgeous, with unusual blue and yellow colors.

Abune Gebre Michael is one of the best and finest churches in Gheralta.

Its ceiling well decorated with cupolas is supported by carefully hewn eight columns acl arches. Four of its pillars are incised with crosses. Abune Gebre Michael, Gheralta Is the most little-visited church has two wood-fitted doors and four windows through which the sanctuary receives enough light. Local tradition states that the reverent relic dates back to the 4th century A.D.

Gondarine frescoes are late 18th or early 19th century.