Ancient Extraterrestrial Tech: Unveiling the Possibility of Advanced Civilizations Thousands of Years Ago

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
February 12, 2024
If there has been such a rapid development in the last 300 years, in the Holocene age of approximately 12,000 years

Technology has developed very quickly and continues to evolve. 300 years ago, it was unimaginable to read these writings from the other side of the world in such a short time. It is still a matter of debate and curiosity whether technology, which can develop rapidly in such a short time, existed thousands of years ago. If there has been such a rapid development in the last 300 years, in the Holocene age of approximately 12,000 years, it seems possible that technology existed thousands of years ago. Some archaeological finds also support this theory.

1- A 3,000-year-old space module statuette from the Urartian period

2- Figures from Sumerian tablets in the form of nuclear bombs and explosions

3- Hieroglyphs similar to helicopter, tank and airplane models from the Ancient Egyptian period


4- Rock relief in the form of a space shuttle, approximately 4,000 years old, from the Russian Altai Republic period.

5- A bronze brooch in the form of a ginger segway, a modern transportation vehicle, from the Celtic civilization period, about 2500 years old.
