Popular Archaeology collaborates to create new international travel learning experiences for subscribers

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
June 19, 2023

Popular Archaeology collaborates to create new international travel  learning experiences for subscribers – Popular ArcheologyPopular Archaeology Magazine is collaborating with professional tour companies and operators to develop and initiate new specialized international travel opportunities for premium subscribers.  Designed as special educational experiences, they will generally focus on archaeology, but will also include exposure to architecture and art. Developed as public field seminars, these experiences will employ professional academic lecturers and researchers who will lead seminar participants through lectures and on-site discussions, providing travelers with in-depth perspectives that cannot be obtained through traditional tours. All field seminars, usually one to two weeks in length, will take place in countries that have exciting and engaging archaeological sites and collections, as well as other cultural treasures representing human achievement and life-ways.

4,000 year-old rock was seemingly cut with a laser, was it aliens? The first field seminar opportunity has been filled and will take place July 10 — July 26, 2023 in Africa, which will include the countries of Tanzania, Kenya and South Africa, focusing on the important sites and collections related to human origins and human evolution. The next opportunity will take place in the fall of 2024, taking travelers to northern Spain to visit the cultural and archaeological sites in Barcelona, Burgos, the Atapuerca caves, other iconic prehistoric human cave sites, and Bilbao on the northern coast. There is the possibility that other opportunities will arise for departures to other countries earlier than the fall of 2024. These experiences will feature formal lecture sessions as well as on-site lecture/discussions. Other planned opportunities will take travelers to:

— Greece and the Cycladic islands, including Crete   

— Egypt    

— Saudi Arabia  

— Italy  

— Belize and Guatemala (Ancient Maya)  

— Peru 

— Israel and Jordan 

— Turkey

— United Kingdom

Other destinations will be added in time. If you have a special interest in any of the destinations thus far mentioned, please email populararchaeology@gmail.com and let us know your interest, and if you have a destination interest that is not listed, please feel free to suggest one or more for our consideration. As mentioned, these opportunities are open to all premium subscribers, but if you are not a premium subscriber and you wish to participate, becoming a premium subscriber is easy and will only require a nominal $9.00 annual payment.