The true reason why the ancient Egyptians worshipped and revered the scarab beetle and it’s striking similarities to the human skull which protects the very organ which controls the rest of our bodily functions being of course, the brain.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
February 29, 2024

The true reason why the ancient Egyptians worshipped and revered the scarab beetle and it’s striking similarities to the human skull which protects the very organ which controls the rest of our bodily functions being of course, the brain.Why were scarabs of such great significance to ancient Egyptians? - Quora Ancient Egypt formerly known as (Khem) as I’ve stated on here and many podcasts was the place to be back in the day, this wasn’t a place where one could just roll in unannounced bearing nothing, you had to bring something to the table as it were, that something would have been manuscripts,wisdom and most importantly a thirst for knowledge which is why such great thinkers and priests journeyed to this land of mystique and wonder hoping to bring back the sacred magical and secret teachings of the gods, for the record much of this sacred knowledge was tragically lost in the burning of the library of Alexandria. May be an image of xray and text that says 'Egyptian EgyptianSaaBeete Scarab Beetle & The Human Skull Coronal Suture Sagital Suture Human Skull Lambdoid Suture'

Most notably it was Athenian philosopher, statesman, lawmaker and one of the seven sages, Solon who came back to Greece a lot wiser before leaving and allegedly told the great philosopher Plato about the once thriving civilisation of Atlantis. Plato would famously recount Atlantis in his works the Timaeus and Critias as part of an allegory on the hubris of nations. With all that said and sticking with the advanced knowledge of Egypt, western teachings tell us that the ancient Egyptians worshipped the scarab beetle because it represented rebirth and resurrection as well as good luck and fortune, yet the true symbolic meaning points to a more advanced understanding of the human skull and the scarab beetles incredible and visual identical similarities.Scarab Beetle Symbolizes New Beginnings   We know that intricate brain surgery was being carried out within these lands because we have physical ancient skulls showing evidence of trepanning which took place to prove that this was in fact the case with a very high success rate to boot, seemingly with primitive surgical instruments if that is to be swallowed as mainstream scholarship would have you believe. So we have established that surgery was in fact carried out with a very high success rate but who gave them the knowledge to carry out such feats thousands of years ago.? Within the ancient lands of India it was said that the god Dhanvantri gave this knowledge to Sushruta, the father of surgery. It’s interesting to note as I’ve stated before that Dhanvantri was often depicted with a bird like head with a protruding beak much like the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth who had the head of an Ibis. Why was the scarab bug worshipped in ancient Egypt? - Quora

I believe that Dhanvantri and Thoth are one of the same and that this bird headed knowledge bringer travelled to many continents throughout teaching medicinal practices and surgical processes on the human anatomy. For me this all leads back to my post here regarding the true reason why the ancient Egyptians worshipped and revered the scarab beetle and it’s striking similarities to the human skull which protects the very organ which controls the rest of our bodily functions being of course, the brain.💀🪲