An Illustration of a longsword technique from the Codex Wallerstein, a 16th-century convolution of three 15th-century fechtbuch (combat manual) manuscripts

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
March 6, 2024

I originally made this more like a book, where each play had its own page, but I don’t really know how to replicate that here, so it will have to be a continuous scroll layout.  Anyway, awhile back, my friend and I made a complete replication of all of the longsword plays in the Codex Wallerstein, done as presentation gifs.  These are to show the full range of motion and intent for all 26 of these plays.  They are done, however, to match the actions as closely as possible.  Therefor, they stop where the plays stop, and only have the opponents doing the actions that the opponent is doing in the play.  As such, the goal with this was not to show these actions under some sort of realistic fighting conditions, only to literally bring what was on the page to life.  In my original presentation I included the full translations from the Zabinski book, but as that would replicate large sections of the book, I will respect that copyright, and simply suggest that you purchase it yourself to follow along.

 Consequently, here is the Living Wallerstein, presented first with the illustration from the book and then our version of that play:  Play 1:

Wallerstein, play 1   Play 2:
Wallerstein, play 2   Play 3:
Wallerstein, play 3   Play 4:
Wallerstein, play 4   Play 5:
Wallerstein, play 5    Play 6:
Wallerstein, play 6   Play 7:
Wallerstein, play 7   Play 8:
Wallerstein, play 8   Play 9:
Wallerstein, play 9   Play 10:
Wallerstein, play 10   Play 11:
Wallerstein, play 11   Play 12:
Wallerstein, play 12   Play 13:
Wallerstein, play 13   Play 14:
Wallerstein, play 14  Play 15:
Wallerstein, play 15   Play 16:
Wallerstein, play 16   Play 17:
Wallerstein, play 17   Play 18:
Wallerstein, play 18   Play 19:
Wallerstein, play 19 
  Play 20:
Wallerstein, play 20  Play 21:
Wallerstein, play 21  Play 22:
Wallerstein, play 22  Play 23:
Wallerstein, play 23  Play 24:
Wallerstein, play 24  Play 25:
Wallerstein, play 25  Play 26:
Wallerstein, play 26