Who Was The Real Moses? The hypothesis that the Egyptian Crown Prince Thutmose

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
March 26, 2024

Who was the real Moses? The hypothesis that the Egyptian Crown Prince Thutmose, Could there be a potential connection between the Egyptian crown prince Thutmose and the biblical figure Moses?

In the vast tapestry of ancient history, there are few stories and figures that captivate our curiosity. One such enigma is the identity of Moses, the legendary leader of the Hebrews who led them out of Egypt. But what if there is a secret connection between Moses and a forgotten Egyptian crown prince?

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Artistic representation of Thutmose, standing atop a vantage point overlooking the Nile River. Adobe Stock

Crown Prince Thutmose, the rightful heir to the throne of ancient Egypt. According to historians, Thutmose should have been the next in line after Amenhotep III. But, instead, someone else took charge – his younger brother Akhenaten.

Was The Egyptian Crown Prince Thutmose The Real Moses?

Thutmose seemingly disappears from the picture, leaving historians to assume that he died. Or did he?

An astonishing inscription on a wine jar devoted to Akhenaten describes him as the “the true King’s son.” Now, this sounds strangely reminiscent of the Moses and Ramses II story, doesn’t it?

Let’s dive deeper into the linguistic connections. In ancient Egyptian, the word for “son” was “mose.” And in Greek, it becomes “mosis.”

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A 1907 CE Bible card depicting Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. Public Domain

If we consider the possibility that Thutmose had to go into exile, fearing for his life as Akhenaten plotted to kill him for his rightful place on the throne as the “king’s true son”.

And if we accept that Thutmose abandoned the “Thut” (which perhaps came from the Egyptian god “Thot”) part of his name. Then the connections between Mose and Moses become remarkably strong.

So, let’s ponder upon this speculative theory: Could it be that the three main Abrahamic religions of our contemporary age – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – are directly connected to the religious ideology of the mystery schools of ancient Egypt?

Perhaps, in a truly bizarre way, the thought process and spirituality of one of the greatest civilizations to ever grace the Earth are still preserved within our faiths today.

There’s another theory that suggests an Egyptian priest of Akhenaten may have been the real Moses. In his book, Moses and Monotheism, Sigmund Freud proposed the idea that Monotheism originated with Akhenaten.

According to this theory, the Israelites were living in Egypt during Akhenaten’s reign and were open to his Monotheistic message. But after Akhenaten’s death and the downfall of his Dynasty, the Amun Priests and the new Pharaoh worked diligently to eradicate Akhenaten’s religion, as well as his name, from the pages of history.

This included persecuting the followers of his faith, many of whom were believed to be the Israelites. Consequently, a Priest of Akhenaten’s religion, possibly an Egyptian named Moses, led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert — an event known as the Exodus.

However, most historians have ruled out all these possibilities, stating that neither Thutmose was the same as Moses from the Bible, nor is there any connection between Pharaoh Akhenaten and Moses.

Thutmose was the name of several ancient Egyptian pharaohs who ruled between the 16th and 14th centuries BC, whereas Moses is a biblical figure who is believed to have lived around the 13th century BC. There is no historical evidence to suggest a direct connection between Thutmose or Akhenaten and Moses.

After reading about Moses and a forgotten Egyptian crown prince, read about An ancient Egyptian text described Jesus as a shape-shifter