Insiders whisper that what you see emerging from the earth at Puma Punku & Tiwanaku in Bolivia is just the tip of the iceberg from what’s still buried deep beneath.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
April 3, 2024

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?Save Your Spot

Those in the know will tell you that what you see emerging from the earth at Puma Punku & Tiwanaku in Bolivia is just the tip of the iceberg from what’s still buried deep beneath…

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

According to author Brien Foerster in his book… There is evidence that the city of Tiwanaku, or more specifically the Puma Punku area was once a port, complete with extensive docks, positioned right on the shore of Lake Titicaca. The problem is that Tiahuanaco’s ruins are now marooned south of the lake and more than 100 feet higher than the present shoreline.

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

In his book “Fingerprints of the Gods,” author Graham Hancock states the following… “In the period since the city was built, it therefore follows that one of two things must have happened: either the level of lake has fallen greatly or the land on which Tiahuanaco stands has risen comparably.”

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

According to Pedro Cieza de Leon, a Spanish chronicler, who was an early visitor to Tiwanaku:

“I asked the natives whether these edifices were built in the time of the Inca. They laughed at the question, affirming that they were made long before the Inca reign and… that they had heard from their forebears that everything to be seen there appeared suddenly in the course of a single night…”

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

Presumably no looting of the stones of the sights had occurred to any great degree at this time, so both of these early writers were able to see Tiwanaku and Puma Punku more or less in their undisturbed “time capsule” state. The stone used at Tiwanaku, at least the original structures, which were the large pillar-like obelisks, is andesite, while Puma Punku is grey diorite and red sandstone.

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

Puma Punku is believed to have once contained a great wharf, or so thought Arthur Posnansky, a Bolivian engineer and independent archaeologist who studied the site, as well as Tiwanaku in the 20th century, over many decades. Yet all that remains today are megalithic ruins from some cataclysmic event in history. A great earthquake? A comet that came too close to the Earth? A worldwide flood? These are all possible causes to the destruction of the once great structure that is now the ruins of Puma Punku.

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

Not only is there evidence to support the claim of a cataclysmic flood, but there is even evidence to support the theory that people once lived there before such a flood even occurred. The suspected flood could have happened somewhere around 12,000 years ago, and there is scientific evidence of tools, bones, and other material within flood alluvia, which suggests that a civilized people were there prior to any flood. Other evidence, that being carvings of bearded people that are not Andean, have been recorded throughout the area.

What is Hiding Below the Surface in Bolivia?

Join me to see these ruins up close on our Peru/ Bolivia tour this August 1-12th. This will be one of the most epic South American expeditions of all time, & you can still get a $501 discount through April 30th! Save your spot