“Uncovering the Erotic Treasures: Exploring Pompeii and Herculaneum’s Ancient Erotic Art”

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
June 30, 2023
Italy pompeii herculaneum erotic art bacchus 2
Bacchus and his wine serving helpers often got the party started in the salon.

The buried Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, not surprisingly, contained a lot of erotic art. Luckily, since the cities were buried under a layer of volcanic ash and mud by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and not unearthed again until the 18th Century, this erotic art was preserved from later marauding vandals and the even more destructive proponents of the puritan strains of subsequent religions.

Ancient Romans certainly had a more open attitude toward sex, as is evidenced by the fact that these erotic works of art are found not only in brothels and public baths in Pompeii and Herculaneum, but also in private homes. Indeed, prosperous scions of the ancient Roman world were predisposed to decorating their homes with frescoes which depicted everyday life and the rooms’ purpose, e.g. dining rooms had wall paintings of food, salons had pictures of people having conversations (often with the aid of the wine of Bacchus,) and bedrooms often had both erotic and fertility decoration.

I suppose I should warn you now, in case you haven’t figured it out from the title of this post, that these images are probably not for everyone. While they’re very tame when compared to 20th Century erotic photography, the art of a Pompeii brothel nevertheless can be a bit shocking. So, if you aren’t interested in the historical sexuality of the Romans and a fuller understanding of Roman culture, please click away to another post about visiting Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Oplontis, where I’ve left these images out. OK?

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This fresco is on the wall at the lupanar, the largest brothel unearthed in Pompeii.

When we visited Pompeii, without doubt the most popular of the buildings for visitors was the lupanar, or brothel. Lupanar in Latin literally means “wolf’s den,” and lupa, she-wolf. was the common term for a prostitute. Not surprisingly, the walls of the small dank rooms of the lupanar were decorated with with both the male and female body in various states of coupling. Warning: the rooms are rather dark. You’ll need a good camera and be adept at holding it still for a long exposure if you want to shoot the paintings.

Here are two more examples from the lupanar. Usually the erotic paintings of the sex workers were displayed above the stone beds where they plied their trade. (Presumably the beds had cushions. Otherwise, ouch.)

Another suggestion from a lupanar wall.
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And another. Note that the woman is wearing the Roman equivalent of a bra.

When you consider this sort of erotic art in of Pompeii and Herculaneum, it should also be kept in mind that these two ancient cities and others around them were often summer residences of the Roman elite. In addition to catching some cool sea breezes in the hot Italian summer, the visitors could also get a respite from the official prudery of Augustan Rome. Since the late First Century B.C., adultery was a public and private crime in Rome and could be punished by exile. Consequently, it’s believed that amorous Romans probably preferred to practice their dalliances further away from the eyes of the emperor.

Italy pompeii Lupanar queue
You’ll be waiting in a crowd like this to get in to see the First Century equivalent of internet porn.

If you want to see the lupanar–and who doesn’t?–chances are good you’ll be standing in a crowd like this one before pushing your way in. Believe me, it’s not pretty.

Another repository of the erotic fine art of Pompeii was the public bath outside the city walls, the so called Suburban Baths. The bath was entered by a long hall which led to a dressing room were the walls were covered with the erotic art. Roman baths were not generally used as a brothels, so it’s a little unusual to see this sort of erotica in this location. Each scene is located above a numbered box, and some scholars speculate the art may have been a means of remembering which locker was yours. It’s fair to also speculate that art like this in a public bath means that overt displays of sex acts were not regarded as offensive by the Romans.

Each illustration is of a different sex act, presumably to differentiate the lockers from each other. There is no evidence for the oft-reported assertion that the sex acts depicted in these paintings represented the “services offered” by the prostitutes.

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This is one way to remember where you left your clothes.
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Does a threesome mean this was locker number three?

One question: if a Roman were using these facilities during the time of the eruption of Vesuvius, do you suppose he asked, “The earth moved for me. How about you?”

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I’m out of clever descriptions for the various positions. However, I’m a little disturbed by whatever that is in her left hand.

Herculaneum, Pompeii’s neighbor, was also buried by Vesuvius in the same eruption, but was victim to a different facet of volcanic violence. While Pompeii was buried by ash and pumice raining down from the sky, Herculaneum was flash fried by multiple pyroclastic flows which buried the city is what was, in effect, a hot ash mud slide.

The best preserved of Herculaneum’s fine art and artifacts have mostly made their way into the National Archeological Museum in Naples. There you can see not only magnificent mosaics and frescoes and other early examples of western art history lifted from the two cities, but a rather randy collection of erotic objects. If you are really interested in an in-depth look, take Context Travel’s tour of the Naples Archeological Museum.

The erotic art of Pompeii and Herculaneum is housed in a special room at the Museum called the Gabinetto Secreto, or Secret Cabinet. It’s sort of fruitless to try to give information about the opening times of either the main museum or the Secret Cabinet, because, well, it’s Italy. We had to go back to Naples from Pompeii more than once to see the museum because many rooms were closed due to budget and staff shortages. Of course that was a few years ago, but I’ve since read that things weren’t much better now. My advice is call ahead, because the web site isn’t accurate either. (Your hotel should be able to do that for you if you don’t speak Italian.)

All that said, here are a couple examples of the Secret Cabinet’s collection. Keep in mind that despite the irregular hours, we’re lucky that it is open at all. For a long time, due to “public morality” concerns, it wasn’t. Or it was only open by appointment. Or, it was only open if you knew someone. It has been open to the general public only since 2000. And those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

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Not so much erotica as the representation of the god Pan and abstract fertility.
pompeii herculaneum erotic art naples priapus
Again, more of a fertility symbol than erotica.
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A bas relief from a Herculaneum home.
erotic art pompeii herculaneum naples archeological museum
And something a little more delicate, from a home, not a brothel.