Phinsider Question Of The Day: What Did I Miss Edition

Tony Nguyen | Miami Dolphins
June 27, 2024

As I mentioned the other day in one of my questions of the day posts, I ran out of ideas. Once the season is live, there is much more going on, and thus, there are many more things to ask and weigh the pulse of the site against. So what do you do once you hit your “writer’s block,” aka I ran out of anything interesting and even the uninteresting things to ask? Well, that’s where you come in…hopefully.

So tonight’s Phinsider Question Of The Day is what subject have I somehow overlooked that you would like to see used in the question of the day? It can be literally anything. Well, I say anything but to the suggestion that I ask about Stephen Ross being fired, which I have received in the past, not that one. You can’t fire an owner, so I assume that he’s with us until he decides to step down or passes and the daughter takes over.

Please give me your thoughts and answers in the comments section below-

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