Nazca’s ancient skull with long braided hair was 2.80 feet long and still attached to his skull

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
September 13, 2023

Ancient Nazca skull with long braids The hair is still attached to the skull and measures 2.80m in length. It belonged to a priestess who died around 200 BC at the age of 50. National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History (Archeology Museum UNT), Trujillo, Peru.

The mystery of the ancient skull of Nazca with extraordinary braide haird : The world is full of interesting archaeological discoveries, and one such interesting discovery is the ancient skull discovered in Nazca, Peru. What makes this discovery truly captivating is the presence of an astonishingly long hair, 2.80 feet long, which was still attached to the skull. In this blog post, we will learn about this unique artefact in detail and explore the mysteries surrounding it.

The Nazca Culture

Before we learn about the peculiarities of ancient skulls, let’s briefly discuss the Nazca culture. The Nazca people were an ancient civilization that flourished in the southern region of Peru between 100 BC and 800 AD. They are famous for their incredible geoglyphs, the famous Nazca Lines, which can be seen from the air. These mysterious lines depict various animals, plants and geometric shapes.

The Discovery

An ancient skull with long braided hair was discovered in the Nazca area. It was unearthed during an excavation in an area known for its rich archaeological heritage. The 2.80-foot-long hair was still attached to the skull, making it an extraordinary find.

The Significance of the Braided Hair

The presence of hanging hair on the skull raises many questions and increases the curiosity of researchers and archaeologists. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Length and Technique: The length of the hair, measuring 2.80 feet, is exceptional. It suggests that the Nazca people had advanced hair braiding techniques. The intricate braiding might have held cultural or symbolic significance for the individual.
  • Preservation : The remarkable preservation of the hair is a testament to the unique environmental conditions of the region that allowed such preservation over such a long period of time.
  • Cultural Symbolism : Hair has often held cultural and symbolic significance in various ancient civilizations. It could have represented social status, gender identity, or religious beliefs. Further research and analysis are needed to understand the specific meaning behind the braided hair.
  • Ritualistic Practices : The presence of braided hair suggests the possibility of ritualistic practices within the Nazca culture. It is conceivable that hair had ceremonial significance, indicating the individual’s participation in certain rituals or events.

Research and Ongoing Studies

The discovery of the Nazca skull with long braided hair has sparked considerable interest among researchers and archaeologists. Ongoing studies are being conducted to shed more light on this intriguing artifact. Here are some areas of research:

  1. DNA analysis: DNA analysis of hair can potentially reveal valuable insights into a person’s ancestry, ethnicity, and potential genetic markers.
  2. Carbon dating: Carbon dating techniques can help determine the age of the skull and hair, providing a more accurate timeline of when a person lived.
  3. Comparative studies: Comparing Nazca skulls to other archaeological finds from the same region or neighboring cultures can help establish possible cultural connections and shed light on the importance of braided hair.