An armed alien warrior on Mars was discovered by a NASA rover

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
February 28, 2024
An armed alien warrior on Mars was discovered by a NASA rover - DAILY NEWS

The image provided by Curiosity rover shows what looks like an armed extraterrestrial soldier watching carefully the rover. Is NASA under surveillance?

The YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible made a strange discovery that could strengthen the suspicion that we are not alone in the Universe.

An armed alien warrior on Mars was discovered by a NASA rover - DAILY NEWS

Sitting in the dust of the Martian surface, appears a strange figure wearing combat armor and holding a weapon.

However, it doesn’t appear to be a living creature but rather a sculpture or statue that for any reason мคหaged to withstand the passing of т¡мe.

However, if this is a statue, it must represent something. Maybe it is a representation of the ancient civilization that once inhabited the Red Planet?An armed alien warrior on Mars was discovered by a NASA rover - DAILY NEWS

Or could this be a petrified Martian soldier? By looking at his position and stance, it may suggest that he was ready or maybe he was preparing for something when a cataclysmic occurred – something similar to what happened in Pompeii – and petrified him in the posture we now see.

However, these are only conjunctures and it almost impossible to know the truth.An armed alien warrior on Mars was discovered by a NASA rover - DAILY NEWS

What do you think? Was this the result of a powerful natural cataclysmic or it is a statue representing an ancient Martian civilization?