Ancient City Of Colossus Discovered In East African Country, Able To Rewrite History

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
November 5, 2023

A long-forgotten metropolis in the Harlaa region, eastern Ethiopia, famous as the ancient ‘City of Giants’ built in the 10th century BC, has recently been discovered by archaeologists from the University of Exeter and the Ethiopian Authority for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage.

Ancient City Of Colossus Discovered In East African Country, Able To Rewrite HistorySource: Pinterest

Throughout mankind’s chronological history, folklores and tales have been told, depicting massive cities constructed and resided by giants. Their existence is strongly suggested by a vast number of megalithic buildings from distinct periods of history, together with the traditions of multiple societies isolated by the oceans.
The Quinametzin, as depicted in Mesoamerican mythology, were a species of colossus tasked with constructing the mythological city of Teotihuacán, built by the gods of the sun. Large cities, monuments and massive constructions – all variations of this theme, can be discovered in every corner of the Earth, baffling scientists to find out the method the ordinary residents used to erect them at that distant past, even considering the help of modern science.

Ancient City Of Colossus Discovered In East African Country, Able To Rewrite HistorySource: Pinterest

Well, the thing actually occurred in this region of Ethiopia. The current inhabitants speak of massive structures made of giant blocks that surrounded the site of Harlaa, leading to common beliefs that it has been home to a legendary City of Giants.
Coins from a number of nations, together with ancient ceramics and enormous building stones unable to be moved without the aid of modern machine, have all been discovered, over the course of the years, resulting in residents believing that the constructions weren’t erected by ordinary humans. As a consequence of the excavation of the archaic town, several remarkable discoveries were made.

Ancient City Of Colossus Discovered In East African Country, Able To Rewrite History

The lost city in Harlaa

The findings of antiquities originated from faraway regions, including Egypt, India and China truly astonished the archaeologists, proving the region’s trading ability. Experts also found a mosque from the 12th century, identical to the ones in Tanzania and an independent territory of Somaliland, a de facto sovereign state not officially recognized. They all depicts a possible connection among distinct Islamic communities in Africa through that period.

Ancient City Of Colossus Discovered In East African Country, Able To Rewrite HistorySource: Pinterest

A professor from the University of Exeter admit the extensive influence of the findings on the common knowledge of commercial activities in the long-abandoned region of Ethiopia in terms of archaeology. That the place was a well-known commercial center for the region only serves to demonstrate how important it was.

A city of giants?

The Harlaa inhabitants firmly believed that the stone blocks used to construct the buildings in their region could only be moved by the colossus. However, after thorough examinations of over 300 skeletal remains including young adults and teenagers in the local graveyards, researchers finally came up with the conclusion that those were no giants at all, because of their middling stature with ordinary height.

Ancient City Of Colossus Discovered In East African Country, Able To Rewrite HistorySource: Pinterest

However, the locals refuse to accept the reasoning from the archaeologists, saying that they aren’t convinced. To be honest, it is not the first time that modern science has dismissed a legend that has existed for hundreds of years as a mere piece of folklore. We cannot know how the indigenous are so certain about the theory of the giants, as they appear to have no purpose to fabricate such things.
Despite the fact that the tombs do not provide evidence of the existence of giants, this does not rule out the possibility that the giants were involved in the building of the site. Many believe that these beings were not buried in the same location because they are considered to be large and powerful entities. However, others disagree with this.