Alien Skeletons Examining the Elusive Evidence

15/01/2024 By

The quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe often leads us to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Over the years, there have been claims of the discovery of alien remains, often in the form of skeletons. These findings, if proven, could represent groundbreaking evidence of otherworldly beings. In this blog post, we will delve into the enigmatic world of alleged alien skeletons, exploring the reported discoveries, the challenges they pose, and the enduring mysteries that surround this controversial topic.

The Secret of Egyptian Mummification Process

15/01/2024 By

The method of embalming when the ancient EgyptiansRecently discovered the method of mummification and discovered its materials and methods. The ancient Egyptians discovered mummification by leaving the corpse on the hot sand covered with sunlight, as it was found that the corpse did not decompose quickly

The Temple of the Moon

15/01/2024 By

The Temple of the Moon is the most enigmatic construction of Huayna Picchu. It is built inside a cave. It is also called The Great Cavern.

Astonishing Fossil Revelation Reveals Dinosaurs Wielded Enigmatic Buttons, Unveiling a ѕtагtɩіпɡ Chapter in Prehistoric Secrets That Will ɩeаⱱe You in Awe and Amazement!

15/01/2024 By

Found in China’s Liaoning Province, the Psittacosaurus fossil now sits on display in Frankfurt, Germany’s Senckenberg Natural History Museum, where it has yielded one discovery after another.

A lucky farmer was awarded $1.8 million when he discovered a 2,000-year-old Roman bronze horse head weighing about 55 pounds. It was found underwater in a 36-foot well on his property.

15/01/2024 By

In Lahnau, Germany, an archeologist uncovered a roman bronze sculpture. They knew that the discovery was both rare and precious. The property owner received payments for the…

Is this Julius Caesar’s face? Roman Emperor’s ‘bulge’ revealed in reconstruction

15/01/2024 By

SCIENTISTS have recreated Julius Caesar’s head thanks to 3D technology – and it shows the legendary Roman emperor had a “crazy bulge” on his head. The National Museum of Antiquities in the Ne…

Ancient figurine offering found at Templo Mayor

15/01/2024 By

A stone offering box containing a ritual deposit of 15 anthropomorphic figurines has been unearthed at the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan in Mexico City. It was found under the platform of the rear façade of the temple in a layer that dates to the reign of Aztec emperor and king of Tenochtitlan Moctezuma I (1440-1469 A.D.),

42,000-Year-Old Foal Entombed in Ice Still Had Liquid Blood in Its Veins

14/01/2024 By

It’s the oldest liquid blood on record, say scientists who want to clone the ice age horse.

Ancient Door In The Undercroft At Wells Cathedral

14/01/2024 By

This ancient wooden door in the Undercroft at Wells Cathedral has been dated to 1265.

Revealing the world’s biggest golden secret! From accumulating 1,448 tons of ancient gold over 3000 years – News

14/01/2024 By

Tucked away in the annals of history ɩіeѕ China’s captivating and long-һeɩd golden ѕeсгet—a testament to its rich cultural һeгіtаɡe and eсoпomіс ргoweѕѕ. Over

King Tut’s face revealed for the first time in over 3,300 years

14/01/2024 By

Scientists have finally revealed what the fabled Egyptian King Tutankhamun would have looked like during his reign of power over 3,300 years ago.

Oldest Known Ancient Amazonian Cities Uncovered in Ecuador!

14/01/2024 By

An extensive civilization like nothing ever discovered before has been revealed in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador! This latest discovery is believed to be the oldest human settlement known in the Amazonian region.

Alien mummies discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs

14/01/2024 By

“Discoveries of extraterrestrial mummies in ancient Egyptian tombs have left scientists in awe. Understanding the intricate links between ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial visits can reshape our perception of human history. Join us in exploring the vast mysteries of the universe. Recently found the mummy is well preserved creature was embalmed very carefully and was buried […]

Sumer: Where Written Language, Arithmetic and Civilization Were Born

14/01/2024 By

The Sumerian civilization (known also as Sumer) was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. This ancient civilization emerged in the region of southern Mesopotamia (modern day southern Iraq), between the Tigris and Euphrates River.

35-Million-Year-Old Amber Found To Contain An Unknown Group Of Insects

14/01/2024 By

The new genus joins just a handful of ancient mayflies known from fossilized amber.

Chilliпg Trophies of the Nazca Cυltυre: Skυlls Beariпg Forehead Holes Tied with Ropes, Hiпtiпg at a Grυesome Traditioп of War Trophies.

14/01/2024 By

The Nazca cυltυre, floυrishiпg betweeп 100 BC aпd 800 AD iп what is пow moderп-day Perυ, left behiпd a perplexiпg legacy of trophy heads that has iпtrigυed archaeologists for decades. These macabre…

Australian mathematician discovers applied geometry engraved on 3,700-year-old tablet

14/01/2024 By

Old Babylonian tablet likely used for surveying uses Pythagorean triples at least 1,000 years before Pythagoras

The Mysterious White-Skinned Cloud People of Peru Atlantis

14/01/2024 By

Recent discoveries about the Chachapoya. Who were the these Cloud People of Peru and what is their relation with South America? Read it all here