Huayna Picchu Hike: The Machu Picchu Stairs Of Death

12/01/2024 By

The Huayna Picchu hike in Peru is infamous for being home to the Machu Picchu ‘Stairs of Death’. Here’s how to climb Wayna Picchu mountain!

An X-Ray of the Greek Antikythera Mechanism

12/01/2024 By

It was only a corroded lump of metallic when divers introduced it up from a Roman grain ship that sank off the Greek island of Antikythera round…

Bronze Statue of Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD); discovered on the Camp of the sixth Roman Legion in Tel Shalem, Israel. – nailsforus

12/01/2024 By

For the primary time since his reign over 1,800 years in the past, three bronze sculptures of the Roman emperor Hadrian — a person each revered and…

3270-year-old Amber cup discovered in a great round barrow mound that was crudely and poorly excavated in 1856 in Hove, UK

12/01/2024 By

The Hove amber cup is a Bronze Age cup that was discovered in a great round barrow mound that was crudely excavated in 1856, in Hove, East Sussex, England, and is now in Hove Museum …

29 Times People Bumped into Their Twin Strangers in Museums

12/01/2024 By

Picture this: you’re casually strolling through a museum, taking in the art and history, when suddenly, you lock eyes with a portrait that seems to be staring right back at you—except it’s from a different century. Believe it or not, this surreal experience has happened to folks worldwide. In our article, we’ll dive into 29 … 29 Times People Bumped into Their Twin Strangers in Museums Read More »

Tracking the Enigmatic Giant Tatu for Survival by the First Americans –

12/01/2024 By

If you love to know about prehistoric animals, then you’ve probably heard about giant armadillos. These creatures roamed the eагtһ millions of years ago, and they were a ⱱіtаɩ part of the ecosystem. Today, they’re extіпсt, but they’ve left behind a rich ɩeɡасу of how they were used by indigenous cultures in the prehistoric times. In recent years, scientists have discovered many surprising wауѕ that the natives used the giant armadillo to survive, which may even led to their extіпсtіoп.

Pyramid of the Magician – Uxmal, Mexico – You’re Not From Around Here, Are You?

12/01/2024 By

Uxmal (pronounced “oosh-mahl”) is one of the sites I didn’t visit last time I was in Yucatan. Since then I kept seeing it in books and travel shows. The name of the main structure, the Pyramid of the Magician is evocative enough that I had to make it there this time.

“La Turrita”: Explore Bologna through its Ancient Towers

12/01/2024 By

Follow this itinerary to discover Bologna through one of its most distinctive features: “le torri” (medieval towers).

Exquisite Gold Necklace of King Amenhotep III from Tutankhamun’s Dynasty (1336-1326 BC)

12/01/2024 By

The Pendant of Amenhotep III is a small, solid gold figurine that was discovered in the tomb of King Tutankhamun in the Valley of the …

The Green Stone of Hittite kingdom

12/01/2024 By

Within the ruins of Hattusa, as soon as capital metropolis of the Hittite kingdom, situated close to Boğazkale in Türkiye, you will discover a phenomenal inexperienced stone…

The True Story of the Man in the Iron Mask

11/01/2024 By

L’Homme au Masque de Fer (the French for “The Man in the Iron Mask”) is the name given to a prisoner arrested in about 1669 and condemned to the cruel fate of having his head clamped within an iron mask, or so the story goes.

Records from Early 20th Century Nubian Excavations Miraculously Rediscovered

11/01/2024 By

A researcher combing through the archives at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom discovered a set of 115-year-old documents that were believed to have been permanently lost eight decades ago.

Pagan Temple Shifts Rome’s Narrative of Rapid Conversion to Christianity

11/01/2024 By

The ruins of an ancient pagan temple under a parking lot in central Italy 70 miles (112.65 km) north of Rome, sheds light on the cultural shift during the transition from Roman imperial theology to Christianity.

A Japanese Fan Became a Deadly Weapon in the Right Hands

11/01/2024 By

In Ancient Japan, the Samurai utilized a wide range of weaponry other than swords, bows, and spears. These weapons were used in places where swords were not allowed to be carried, for self-defense purposes, or when the use of swords was not ideal.

Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked!

11/01/2024 By

Although we still cannot accurately predict earthquakes, we have come a long way in detecting, recording, and measuring seismic shocks.

The Sophisticated Water Technologies of the Ancient Nabataeans

11/01/2024 By

The Nabataeans were an ancient Semitic people, dating back to 586 BC, who inhabited northern Arabia and the southern Levant. The desert climate created agricultural difficulties for the Nabataeans

AncienT Maya Map Found Proves TҺaT Contact Between Huмans And Aliens Has Existed Foɾ A Long Tiмe

11/01/2024 By

  The annals of ancient civilizations continue to yield secrets that challenge our understanding of human history. A recent discovery in the heart of Maya …

The Discovery of The Tombs of Alexander the Great’s Father and Son in Vergina – moco-choco

11/01/2024 By

On a rainy morning of November 8, 1977 Greek Archaeologist Manolis Andronikos,  discovered in Vergina, a sleepy Greek Village, the tomb of Alexander the Great’s father, King Philip II of Macedon and…

If there were giants, where did they go?

11/01/2024 By

    I have always been fascinated by the stories of giants, the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk, the giant lantern genie in the …

The Temple of Hephaestus- The Doric temple, thought to be designed by the architect Iktinus, was dedicated to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmithing and craftsmanship.

11/01/2024 By

Constructed two years before the renowned Parthenon, the Temple of Hephaestus is a Doric temple, the best and most beautifully preserved structure Greek structure in the world. It was dedicated to the ancient god of fire Hephaestus and the patron of arts and pottery Athena. Pericles, an Athenian politician, sponsored the project, and while an