3,300-year-old ancient Egyptian tombs and chapel with ‘amazing’ decorations unearthed at Saqqara

28/12/2023 By

Newfound tombs from ancient Egypt at Saqqara include the burials of a temple overseer, royal treasury artist and an unknown individual. This is the largest …

See gorgeous ancient Egyptian ‘mummy portraits’ from nearly 2 millennia ago

28/12/2023 By

These ancient ‘mummy portraits’ provide a window into ancient Egyptian life and culture. This portrait, painted between A.D. 150 and 200 on wood, shows a …

Sphinx may have been built from a natural rock feature eroded by wind, study claims

28/12/2023 By

It’s possible that wind erosion made a rock feature in ancient Egypt look something like a sphinx, and then the Egyptians further refined it into …

Rare tumor with teeth discovered in Egyptian burial from 3,000 years ago

28/12/2023 By

An ancient Egyptian woman had an ovarian tumor with teeth and was buried with a possible healing object. Teratoma with Tooth A (lower) in situ …

2,800-year-old ivory carved with sphinx discovered in Turkey

28/12/2023 By

The artifact is from an Iron Age settlement at Hattusa that was established after the city was abandoned by the Hittites. Archaeologists estimate that the …

Byzantine gold coin with ‘face of Jesus’ unearthed by metal detectorist in Norway

28/12/2023 By

A metal detectorist stumbled upon a rare gold coin while exploring the mountains in southern Norway. Jesus Christ can be seen depicted on one side …

Ancient ‘curse tablet’ may show earliest Hebrew name of God

28/12/2023 By

The tablet is barely larger than a postage stamp. Archaeologists estimate the “curse tablet,” made from a folded lead sheet and inscribed with proto-alphabetic characters, …

9,000-year-old double burial with shaman and infant reveals she may have been his 4th-great-grandmother

28/12/2023 By

A genetic analysis gives new insight into the identity of a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer who died 9,000 years ago The burial is part of an exhibit …

Ancient Scythians used human skin for leather, confirming Herodotus’ grisly claim

28/12/2023 By

This 2,400-year-old quiver is made partly of human leather, research reveals. (Image credit: Marina Daragan) The ancient Scythians — nomadic warriors and pastoralists who flourished on the steppes …

Are Neanderthals and Homo sapiens the same species?

28/12/2023 By

Scientists have been vollying the question back and forth for more than a century. Neanderthal skeletons look notably different from those of modern humans, and …

2,000-year-old ‘celestial calendar’ discovered in ancient Chinese tomb

28/12/2023 By

Each of the wooden slips is marked with Chinese characters that relate to the traditional Tiangan Dizhi astronomical calendar. Perforations on their edges suggest they …

Tomb of Salome, the Midwife Who Delivered Jesus, Reveals Treasures

28/12/2023 By

Tomb of Salome, the Midwife Who Delivered Jesus, Reveals Treasures Credit: Israel Antiquities Authority The Tomb of Salome that was recently discovered—along with other treasures—in …

Ancient Landmass Emerged and Disappeared 70,000 Years Ago

28/12/2023 By

Screenshot of a map from an ancient landmass that emerged and then disappeared again northwest of Australia. Credit: Quaternary Science Reviews / CC BY 4.0 New archaeological …

Couple Finds Gold Coins Worth $850,000 Under Kitchen

28/12/2023 By

A UK couple stumbled upon an unexpected collection of rare gold coins under their kitchen floor. Credit: Spink & Son / Gregory Edmund While renovating their home, …

Is the ‘Tomb of Cerberus’ the Top Archaeological Discovery of 2023?

28/12/2023 By

The fresco portrays the moment in the myth of Heracles, when he captures Cerberus as part of his twelve labors. The “Tomb of Cerberus” with …

Scientists Reconstruct Face of Man Who Survived Iron Bar Blast

28/12/2023 By

Scientists reconstruct the face of the man who survived an unfortunate iron rod incident. Credit: Cicero Moraes / CC BY 4.0 Phineas Gage, a railroad …

Ancient Greek Word From Burned Herculaneum Scrolls Decoded

28/12/2023 By

AI made it possible to decode an ancient Greek word from a text damaged by Vesuvius’ eruption, marking a significant step in understanding the Herculaneum scrolls presumed …

The mystery of Mana Cave, in Ecuador, shocked the world’s archaeologists

27/12/2023 By

When рroѕрectorѕ іn Lа Mаná, Eсuаdor were dіggіng for gold they uneаrthed more thаn they hаd bаrgаіned for when they unexрeсtedly ѕtumbled uрon 300 out …

500-Year Wreck with Porcelain, Wood Found in South China Sea

27/12/2023 By

Archaeological Triumph: Preserved Shipwrecks Unlocking Secrets of Ancient Global Trade Routes The State The logs could have been intended for ship building Administration of Cultural …

Pictographs on boulders found in northern Peru’s Shonquilpampa Valley that were painted up to 8,000 years ago

27/12/2023 By

In northern Peru’s Shonquilpampa Valley, pictographs on boulders are offering a glimpse of Andean peoples’ changing relationship to wild camelid species such as guanaco, groups …