La desgarradora historia real detrás de la infame fotografía niños en venta; de 1948

25/05/2024 By

En la imagen, cuatro niños pequeños están sentados acurrucados en los escalones afuera de una casa en Chicago, detrás de un letrero que dice “4 niños en venta, pregunte dentro”.

El desastre del vuelo de los Andes: un avión que transportaba a 45 personas se estrelló y los supervivientes recurrieron al canibalismo antes de ser rescatados, 1972

24/05/2024 By

Esta es la historia de los 16 sobrevivientes del vuelo 571 de la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, que fue fletado para llevar a un equipo de rugby amateur de Montevideo a Santiago, Chile, y terminó en tragedia (y milagro).

Los soldados regresan a casa al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El RMS Queen Elizabeth no estaba abarrotado, los soldados simplemente corrieron hacia la cubierta cuando llegaron a Nueva York.

24/05/2024 By

Éste es el buque de transporte Queen Elisabeth. El Queen Elizabeth y el Queen Mary se utilizaron como buques de transporte de tropas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Los mineros de Charbonnagge de Mariemont-Bascoup se apretujaron en el ascensor de una mina de carbón después de un día de trabajo. Fotografía tomada en Bélgica en c. 1900.

24/05/2024 By

Una extensa publicación en Facebook, que afirma falsamente que los irlandeses fueron vendidos sistemáticamente como esclavos en el siglo XVII, ya ha sido compartida más de un millón de veces. El mensaje es una tontería y una imagen mal utilizada de los mineros belgas. La trata de esclavos irlandeses comenzó cuando 30.000 prisioneros políticos irlandeses fueron enviados a Estados Unidos y vendidos a ingleses […]

The lives of Chinese people in the late Qing Dynasty through a series of rare photos

24/05/2024 By

The lives of Chinese people in the late Qing Dynasty, old photos help the public have a realistic perspective on a past historical period.

Another relic from Alice in Wonderland, a photograph depicting Alice and the dormouse, 1887.

23/05/2024 By

Today marks the birthday of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll, beloved author of Alice in Wonderland. Here are some fascinating photographs from his lifetime

Man with half a head charged with attempted murder

23/05/2024 By

A MAN who hit world headlines for having just half a head has been charged with attempted murder.

Chester E. McDuffee’s patented diving suit, 1911

23/05/2024 By

1910 – Submarine Armor by Chester E. Macduffee. In 1914 a diver in the new armored diving suit went down to a depth of 212 ft. in Long Island Sound, establishing a new American record.

This is Kodak truck, 1912

22/05/2024 By

This little promo truck re-created from the before photo to the after photo. An extremely unique showpiece that commands serious attention – the early photos …

Dizzying Heights and Daring Deeds: A Story of Painters on the Woolworth Building

22/05/2024 By

The year is 1926. New York City, a fledgling metropolis, is reaching for the sky. One symbol of this ambition is the Woolworth Building, a …

Santa Fe locomotive runs off track and hangs 20 feet over road in Los Angeles. January 25, 1948.

22/05/2024 By

The locomotive had just been unhooked from the El Capitan passenger train from Chicago at 8:45 a.m. on Jan. 25, 1948, when the accident occurred.

A portrait of loggers at the Sherwood logging camp, Washington State, USA, 1900.

21/05/2024 By

Courtesy Seattle Municipal Archives”In the early 1890s, about a third of Washington’s population worked in logging camps, sawmills, shingle mills, and in factories making wooden …

In 1960, six submariners from USS Amberjack (SS-522) who had earned their dolphins were thrown overboard just as a destroyer passed nearby.

21/05/2024 By

On May 22, 1968, the American nuclear attack submarine USS Scorpion, went missing with 99 men aboard on her way back to Norfolk, Virginia. Scorpion left New London, Connecticut, in February 1968 with a goal of reaching the Mediterranean Sea for a two-month European deployment, the Naval History and Heritage Command writes. However, they continue, she last radioed her position on May 21, 1968. She was lost southwest of the Azores, a group of islands about 950 miles west of mainland Portugal, on May 22, the US Navy reports.

Texas highway patrol officer learning how to Bulldog a car 1940s

21/05/2024 By

Policing the state’s first highways

A French woman with her baguette and six bottles of wine, Paris, 1945.

21/05/2024 By

It’s amazing to see how our minds can wander in different ways; how imaginations can wander from a single picture. We recently proposed a new challenge for our readers to become the storyteller, prompted by a historical found photograph with very little information about its author, or the subject i

Timber Trestles: Incredible Vintage Photos of Timber Railroad Bridges, 1850s-1900s

20/05/2024 By

Accompanying the text are numerous vintage photographs of timber trestles that no longer exist, providing a glimpse into a bygone era of engineering and transportation.

Escort Carrier USS Thetis Bay taking PBY Catalinas, F6F Hellcats, and one J2F Duck from Hawaii to Alameda for repairs, Jul 8 1944.

20/05/2024 By

Discover the Catalina House Boat, a WWII-era aircraft turned into a unique dwelling. See how the Allies repurposed their resources for life beyond war.

Jack London’s Extraordinary Photos of London’s East End in 1902

20/05/2024 By

In 1902 the American author Jack London visited his namesake city – at the time when it was still the largest in the world. In a book that became to be known as The People of the Abyss he described the time when he lived in the Whitechapel district sleeping in workhouses, so-called doss-houses and … Continue reading “Jack London’s Extraordinary Photos of London’s East End in 1902”