Colossal Statue of Amenhotep III and Tiye

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
October 2, 2023

Colossal Statue of Amenhotep III and Tiye - Egypt Museum

This colossal statue of Amenhotep III and Tiye is a group statue and three of their daughters. It is the largest known Ancient Egyptian family group ever carved. The almond-shaped eyes and arched eyebrows of the figures are of typical late 18th Dynasty style.

Amenhotep III wears the nemes headdress with the uraeus or royal cobra, a false beard and a kilt. He is resting both his hands on his knees.

The Colossal Statue of Amenhotep III and Tiye, Egyptian Mu… | FlickrColossal Statue of King Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye

Queen Tiye is sitting on his left, with her right arm placed around her husband’s waist. Her height is equal to that of the pharaoh, which shows her prominent status. She wears an ankle-length, close-fitting dress and a big wig with a vulture headdress.

The three smaller figures depict the three of their daughters. One of the Princesses is standing in the center between her parent’s legs and is depicted as a grown woman, in a close-fitting dress and a full wig with modius and plumes.

Amenhotep III and Tiye Colossal Statue - Discover Egypt's Monuments - Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

To the far left of Amenhotep’s legs stands the figure of a younger daughter, while to the far right of Tiye’s legs stands another princess. The two Princesses on the sides of the sculpture are both damaged and not visible in the picture above because of the angle of the photograph.

Colossal Statue of King Amenhotep III and Queen TiyeColossal Statue of King Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye

The statue originally stood in Medinet Habu, West Thebes and today it is the centerpiece of the main hall of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. JE 33906

Amenhotep III and Tiye Colossal Statue - Discover Egypt's Monuments - Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities