Helmet of Phrygian-Chalcidian type, so-called “griffin crest helmet”,

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
January 16, 2024
Bronze Winged Helmet (4th Century BC), Phrygian-Chalcidian type with a spiked crest.
This is a rare and ornate helmet that must have been prize possession of a high status wᴀʀʀιoʀ.

4th century B.C. Bronze. The skull made from one piece with a tall crown. The curved griffin crest made of two sheets, serrated and formerly soldered (now loose), the spikes adorned with drop-shaped decorations, one spike pierced for further crest attachment.

Moulded eyebrows with chased rosette and finely engraved palmette pattern (highlighted later in white), large curved cheek pieces on tubular hinges, small ear cutouts with pierced lining holes. Tall slightly flaring neck-guard reinforced in ancient times with lateral sheets decorated with embossed winged figures (images of the goddess Nike) and palmette bands. Height including cheekpieces 36.5 cm, weight 979 g. Beautiful reddish-brown to black-green patina, good metal substance. Minor additions, one loss. Axel Guttmann Collection (AG 388/H 120), acquired in 1990.

The crown with raised peak and additional spiked crest (separate), two coiled snake plume holders with wings attached below, a fragmentary gorgoneion relief plaque between contoured ribs on the brow, an eagle attachment above, a lotus bud with spiral tendril in relief at each side from a central palmette at the rear, the cheekpieces with figures of Nike and Artemis in relief, slight restoration
12¾ in. (32.4 cm.) high excl. cheekpieces