Massive scale – and this is just one of the side platforms at Teotihuacan’s massive Pyramid of the Sun.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
February 7, 2024

New survey results have discovered another secret underground chamber beneath the lunar pyramid of the ancient Toltec civilization in the ancient city of Teotihuacan – Mexico. This is the location where the mysterious tunnel discovered in mid-2017 leads to.

Massive scale – and this is just one of the side platforms at Teotihuacan’s massive Pyramid of the Sun.

Close-up of the Toltec moon pyramid – photo: INAH

According to a research team led by Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (NIAH), this hollow cavity is about 15 m in diameter and located about 8 m deep below the pyramid. Initial evidence suggests it may contain remains with strangely deformed skulls, similar to those found by archaeologists in the Mayan civilization, as well as many forms of green stone jewelry.

Massive scale – and this is just one of the side platforms at Teotihuacan’s massive Pyramid of the Sun.

Archaeologists are exploring the ground – photo: INAH

These deformed remains are believed to be part of some mysterious Toltec ritual. This underground “hell” is also connected to underground sacred water circuits.

Massive scale – and this is just one of the side platforms at Teotihuacan’s massive Pyramid of the Sun.

3D image below the pyramid – photo: INAH

Massive scale – and this is just one of the side platforms at Teotihuacan’s massive Pyramid of the Sun.

3D image below the pyramid – photo: INAH

The above findings are based on the resistivity method – a form of geophysical survey that helps simulate 3D models of underground structures. This is also how they found the tunnel at the bottom of the lunar pyramid in 2017.

Massive scale – and this is just one of the side platforms at Teotihuacan’s massive Pyramid of the Sun.

Wide angle shot of the old city

Unfortunately, up to now, archaeologists have not yet found the entrance to the tunnel and also the only path leading to the mysterious “hell”. They believe that there is a secret door located in the eastern area of ​​the pyramid but it has not been specifically identified, because the pyramids of ancient civilizations in Central America are famous for containing many organ systems. , secret doors, traps… Archaeological requirements also do not allow for violent intervention from modern means, so they have no other choice but to try to find the secret door.

The ancient city of Teotihuacan was built by the Toltecs around 100 BC, and is home to brilliant ancient civilizations such as the Toltecs, Aztecs, Maya… Among them, the moon pyramid is the second largest pyramid. after the pyramid of the sun, the time of construction was around 200 AD.