Oklahoma’s Ancient Mystery: The 200,000 Year Old Structure Challenging History

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
July 25, 2023

In an incident that could potentially alter our understanding of history, construction workers in Oklahoma, USA, in 1969, uncovered a structure that seemed to be human-made. This construction, bearing the resemblance of a mosaic floor, was discovered in a layer thought to be approximately 200,000 years old, despite the accepted belief that humans only arrived in North America around 22,000-19,000 years ago.

The initial report of this unusual find was covered in “The Oklahoman” newspaper shortly after its discovery, sparking fervent discussions among experts and the public. The article included several monochrome photographs of the “mosaic”, which have remained the only visual documentation of this artifact.

Durwood Pate, an Oklahoma City geologist who investigated the site, was convinced of its human origin due to the carefully arranged stones forming distinct diamond patterns, all oriented towards the east. Moreover, the presence of a perfectly flat pole hole and surface wear on the rocks seemed to rule out the possibility of natural formation.

However, Dr. Robert Bell, an archaeologist from the University of Oklahoma, posited the structure as a natural formation, having found no traces of man-made processing. Pate contested this view, arguing the presence of a substance resembling grout between the stones.

Delbert Smith, a geologist and president of the Oklahoma Seismograph Company, affirmed the structure’s man-made origins. Located about 90 cm below the earth’s surface, the structure reportedly spread across several thousand square feet.

Further investigations revealed a second pole hole, and a supposed ancient stone hammer was found at the site. This lent additional intrigue to the already puzzling formation, further complicated by marine sediments in the rock, suggesting it was once part of the ocean floor.

Unfortunately, subsequent information about this peculiar find has been scarce. The fate of the site remains largely unknown, underlining the importance of preserving such sites until their origins can be accurately determined. This discovery serves as a reminder of the mysteries our planet still holds, and how each find has the potential to reshape our understanding of human history.