On the small island of Isla del Caño and the Diquís Delta in Costa Rica are over 300 stone Petrospheres often referred to as the Diquís Spheres, that have been attributed to the now extinct Diquís culture.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
December 15, 2023
The stone spheres you see in the picture of this post are not from the film ‘Attack on Earth’, but are absolutely real. They are found in a remote area of Costa Rica. Some of them are perfect spheres. Who was able to make them, and why.
The same problem is encountered with these spheres as with the Pyramids, the Sphinx at Giza and other constructions made of stone. The C14 radiocarbon dating method cannot date the stones, but the organisms found ‘on the stones’. If, for example, these spheres had been thoroughly washed, any ‘datable’ organic traces would have been erased.
Because of these reasons, archaeologists can only date these spheres to the last ‘available’ population on the island, namely the ‘Diquís culture’, which existed around 600 AD. Of course, this would not explain how such a primitive population was able to carve a large number of spheres (there are several hundred spheres). As all artists know, sculpting a perfect circle without the necessary tools is an extremely difficult job, bordering on the impossible. The largest of the spheres has a diameter of 2.66 metres.
Were there other populations capable of doing this work? Until a few years ago, it was believed that the original culture of the Americas was that of the Clovis, a people who lived in North America around 14,000 years ago. It was believed that all the populations of Central and South America descended from that original culture, and were therefore much younger. Today we know that this is not the case.
Around 2020, researchers published the results of the discovery of human remains in the Chiquihuite cave in Mexico. The study, presented by Ciprian Ardelean, an archaeologist at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (Mexico), and his colleagues, suggests that people lived in central Mexico at least 30,000 years ago. Moreover, the genes of the local populations tell us that their ancestors did NOT come from North America, but from much further away. As it were, they have a ‘mother people’, who are identified as ‘population Y’, and who are the original inhabitants of Sundaland from the distant past, around the time of the Thaw. But they also have a ‘father people’, who are the Iñupiat, from Siberia. The history of the peoples of the American continent, therefore, will have to be rewritten. And perhaps ours too.
We invite you to think back for a moment. How many sphere-shaped sculptures do you know of from our past? Perhaps none, since a sphere is very difficult to make. What did those people of the past see, or what did they think they saw, to build not one, but hundreds of spheres in a geographically tiny region?
The article continues in the book:
HOMO RELOADED – The hidden history of the last 75,000 years