Time-Traveling Bones: Dive into the Mystery of a 2,700-Year-Old Pig Skeleton Unearthed in Jerusalem’s Historic City of David

03/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Israeli archaeologists have unearthed the complete skeleton of a piglet in a place and time where you wouldn’t expect to find pork remains: a Jerusalem home dating to the First Temple period.

2,000 Mummified Ram Heads Unearthed at Temple of Ramses II

03/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Researchers discovered over 2,000 mummified ram heads at a temple dedicated to Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II.

The Baalbek Ruins in Lebanon: an extraordinary UNESCO site – Rachel’s Ruminations

03/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

I was just blown away by the Baalbek ruins in Lebanon: a magnificent set of Roman temples and a designated UNESCO world heritage site.

Mind-Blowing Marvels: Unbelievable Engineering Feats from Our Ancient World!

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Have you ever wondered how giant granite parallelepipeds, weighing several tons, are moved inside tunnels so narrow that they do not allow wheels under them, do not allow winches to …

Dominique Vivant Denon – Measurement of the Sphinx of Giza, December 29, 1799:

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

The Eighteenth century in France is marked by the publication of Diderot’s Encyclopédie and the ideas of Illuminism, ‘the enlightenment’, from the French word ‘lumières’ or lights. These concepts underline the beginnings of rationalism, ideas of classification and arrangement of human learning in a single book, in order. Napoleon, a student of gunnery, one of …

Chichen Itza’s Hidden Secrets: Pyramids Within Pyramids and the Global Grid

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

In the heart of Mexico, a startling discovery was made in August 2015 beneath the legendary El Castillo temple in… In the heart of Mexico, a startling discovery was made …

Who cut these megalithic blocks ? Look at the size comparison to the human

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

In ‘Lost Ancient Technology’ Kalki Dasa argues that the technology of ancient civilisations such as Vedic India may have been more advanced than is currently believed, and that this idea …

Ancient Runways and Flying Fish: Did the Nazca Culture Take Flight?

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

The Nazca lines are still mysterious even after decades of being carefully studied. Archaeologists believe they know how they were made, but why they were made remains uncertain. Recently, researchers have suggested that the lines were related to fertility rituals involving the availability of water…

The famous mummy’s curse in King Tutankhamun’s tomb in Egypt

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

The ‘curse of the pharaohs’ is alleged to be cast upon anyone who disturbs the mummy of an Ancient Egyptian, especially a pharaoh. This curse, which does not differentiate between …

Second ancient Egyptian tomb discovered in Qurna in a week

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

A second tomb, believed to date back to Ancient Egypt’s New Kingdom has been discovered just six days after a similar discovery in the renowned …

Queen Tiye (Pronounced Tee-Yay) or “Taya”, as she was indigenously known, was a Kemetic Queen thought to be of Nubian origin who lived between 1398 and 1338 BC.

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Tiye (also known as Tiy, 1398-1338 BCE) was a queen of Egypt of the 18th dynasty, wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten, and grandmother of both Tutankhamun and Ankhsenamun. She exerted…

Chamber discovered by ancient temple in Matareya, smuggled artifact to be returned from UK

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Courtesy: Ministry of Antiquities Over the past two days, the Ministry of Antiquities announced that a team of German and local archaeologists discovered an underground …

Sahure (also Sahura, meaning “He who is close to Re”) was a pharaoh of ancient Kemet and the second ruler of the Fifth Dynasty (c. 2465 – c. 2325 BC)

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Belgian archaeologists discover rare statue of Pharaoh Sahure, dating over 4,400 yearsCourtesy: Metropolitan Museum of ArtA team of archaeologists from Belgium succeeded in unearthing a …

The unique architecture and position of Eltz Castle

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

Eltz Castle: Information about the castle, its history and the surrounding area is offered, as well as a virtual tour of the castle and treasury with lots of pictures. Eltz Castle is open daily from 09:30 to 18:00 up to and including 3 November.

One of the oldest swords, the smallest ancient Gospel and 3000 years old mummy in the Armenian

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

One of the oldest Anatolian weapons in the world has been discovered in a display cabinet at the Mekhitarist Monastery on the Saint Lazarus Island.

Bolivian Wall Contains Over 5,000 Individual Dinosaur Tracks

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

The tracks belong to between eight and nine different types of dinosaur.

The Great Pyramid Of Giza Known as Mer to the ancient Kemites (Egyptians) is the most enigmatic structure on the face of the planet.

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh


“Cracking the Code: Exploring Viking Swords Adorned with Cryptic Inscriptions”

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

In the realm of һіѕtoгісаɩ mуѕteгіeѕ, few artifacts captivate the imagination as much as Viking swords adorned with enigmatic phrases. Delving into the depths

Unanswered Mysteries About The Relationship Between Aliens And Ancient Egyptian Civilization.

02/02/2024 By Kane Khanh

In the vast expanse of ancient history, the legacy of the Egyptians stands as a testament to unparalleled achievements in art, architecture, and mysticism. However, intertwined with the grandeur of the pyramids and the allure of hieroglyphs is a controversial theory that suggests the ancient Egyptians may have had contact with extraterrestrial beings. This exploration […]