Paracas Skulls Are Not Human, According to DNA Tests

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
August 20, 2023

Who were these enigmatic beings? Did they develop independently on Earth? What led them to be so unlike to ordinary people?

Paracas is a desert peninsula on Peru’s southern coast, situated in the province of Pisco in the Ica Region. Julio C. Tello, a Peruvian archaeologist, made one of the most puzzling findings in 1928 here. Tello uncovered a vast and sophisticated cemetery in the hard soil of the Paracas desert during the excavations.

Tello uncovered a succession of problematic human remains in the mysterious tombs, permanently changing how we see our forefathers and beginnings. The victims found in the tombs have some of the world’s biggest elongated skulls, known as the Paracas skulls. More than 300 mystery skulls dating back at least 3,000 years were uncovered by a Peruvian archaeologist.

As if the skulls’ shape wasn’t intriguing enough, a recent DNA study done on some of them yielded some of the most perplexing and astonishing results, challenging all we know about the human evolutionary tree and origin.

The Mystery Behind The Paracas Skulls

These skulls are on display at Museo Regional de Ica in the city of Ica in Peru © Wikimedia Commons

Skull Deformation: An Ancient Religious Practice

While several societies across the world practiced skull deformation (elongation), the procedures utilized were not the same, hence the outcomes were not the same. Certain South American cultures ‘tied the heads of infants’ to alter their form, resulting in a significantly extended skull shape. The tribes were able to conduct cranial deformations that are also documented in ancient African societies by exerting consistent pressure over a lengthy period of time with the use of antique instruments.

Three drawings of methods that were used by Maya peoples to shape a child’s head.

While this sort of cranial deformation altered the shape of the skull, it had no effect on the size, weight, or volume of the skull, which are all characteristics of normal human skulls.

This is where the peculiarities of the Paracas skulls reveal themselves to be the most intriguing. The skulls of Paracas are anything from average. The skulls of paracas are at least 25% bigger and up to 60% heavier than the skulls of typical humans. According to the researchers, these qualities could not have been obtained using the procedures utilized by the tribes, contrary to what some scientists claim. Not only are their weights different, but their skulls are also physically distinct, with only one parietal plate compared to two in humans.

For decades, these peculiar traits have contributed to the mystery, since scholars have no idea who these people with such enormous heads were.

Later tests revealed that the Paracas Skulls were more enigmatic than previously thought.
The Paracas Museum of History’s director sent five samples of Paracas skulls for DNA testing, and the results were remarkable. Hair, teeth, skin, and even parts of skull bones were used to extract remarkable features that have added to the enigma surrounding these strange skulls. To prevent ‘influencing the results,’ the provenance of the skulls was not previously disclosed to the genetic laboratory where the samples were submitted.

Mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from the mother, revealed mutations that had never been seen in any man, ape, or mammal on the globe. The alterations found in the Paracas skull samples show that the researchers were dealing with a completely distinct species of ‘human’ than Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, or Denisovans. Tests on Star Child Skull, which was discovered about 1930 in a mine hole about 100 miles southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico, yielded identical results.

Humans would not have been able to interbreed with the individuals in the Paracas skulls because they were physiologically so different. The scientist stated, “I’m not convinced this fits within the established evolutionary tree.”

Who were these enigmatic beings? Did they develop independently on Earth? What led them to be so unlike to ordinary people? Is it feasible that these beings did not originate on the planet? All of these possibilities are speculations that, based on present data, cannot be disproved. So far, all we know is that many things are beyond the comprehension of researchers, historians, and scientists. After all, it’s feasible that the Paracas skulls will provide an answer to the issue of whether we’re alone in the cosmos.