Reconstruction of Amenhotep iii: Father of the famed “heretic Pharaoh,” Akhenaten, and grandfather to the famous King Tut, Amenhotep III was one of Kemet’s (Egypt’s) greatest Neswet’s “nswt-bjtj” (Pharaohs) and the most successful of the 18th Dynasty.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
February 23, 2024

Father of the famed “heretic Pharaoh,” Akhenaten, and grandfather to the famous King Tut, Amenhotep III was one of Kemet’s (Egypt’s) greatest Neswet’s “nswt-bjtj” (Pharaohs) and the most successful of the 18th Dynasty.

Reconstruction of Amenhotep iii: Wall painting & quartz staute

Amenhotep’s temple is located in Nubia, in the town of Soleb, in present day Sudan and was dedicated to the Netcher (Deity), Amun Re. His wife was the powerful Queen Tiye known for her intellectual and political acumen. Amenhotep III genuinely loved and honored his wife, and regarded her as a partner in his life. He devoted a number of shrines in her honor and constructed a temple dedicated to her in Nubia in the city of Sedeinga, also in present day Sudan.

During his reign, Kemet enjoyed wealth, peace and stability. When Amenhotep III died, he left behind a country that was at the very height of its power and influence, commanding immense respect in the international world.

Reconstruction of Amenhotep iii: Wall painting & quartz staute

This brilliant reconstruction of King Amenhotep III was created by Kings Monologue whom reveled the reconstructions via his Youtube page and walked us through his rigorous process of bringing these timeless figures to life.

“Throughout history, these individuals have captured the imagination of scholars and enthusiasts alike, and their images have been reproduced countless times in paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. But what did they really look like?

Reconstruction of Amenhotep iii: Wall painting & quartz staute

To answer this question, we’ll be…using cutting-edge AI technology and a deep understanding of photography and image manipulation, we’ve both sought to create the most accurate representations possible.”

Reconstruction of Amenhotep iii: Wall painting & quartz staute