Secrets inside an abandoned bunker, built to prevent a nuclear disaster in Croatia

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
November 4, 2023

Located on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Zeljava bunker is one of the largest military complexes in Europe. It was built by the former Yugoslavia in 1957 to withstand and protect people in the event of a nuclear bomb explosion.

Discover the secrets of the Zeljava bunker, once a fortress against nuclear Armageddon. Now, it’s an adventure waiting to be explored. Would you dare to step into this piece of history?

Secrets inside an abandoned bunker, built to prevent a nuclear disaster in Croatia

Large tunnel area leading inside the Zeljava base (Photo: GEO).

Currently the bunker and Zeljava airport are abandoned, they are considered dangerous locations, because they contain mines. But some tourists still venture to visit this place in search of thrills.

Against atomic bombs

This air base was built with the code name Objektav 505 or Klek. It is located deep in the Gornja Plješevica mountain.

Many sources point out that this military site is one of the most expensive infrastructure in the former Yugoslavia.

Secrets inside an abandoned bunker, built to prevent a nuclear disaster in Croatia

Small tunnel leading to offices in the Zeljava military base (Photo cut from clip).

According to Total Croatia News, the cost of building this military base is estimated at about 6 billion dollars. It contained advanced technology and the most powerful weapons at that time.

This military base has 5 takeoff/landing runways and 3km of tunnels. Its structure was specially designed to protect against atomic bombs during the Cold War.

Croatian media revealed that the Zeljava bunker has enough space to accommodate nearly 120 aircraft and crew as well as provide enough power, water, fuel, food and medicine.

Therefore, it allows the army to survive for many months in the event of a nuclear disaster. However, externally Zeljava was almost completely destroyed after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia in 1992 and it was abandoned during the Serbian-Croatian War.

New tourist destination?

Although the majority of the outer buildings were destroyed, the Klek underground facility remained largely intact. Some areas inside are in very poor condition, potentially at risk of collapse at any time.

However, the love of adventure seems to have motivated many adventurers, with more and more tourists wishing to explore this unique place with a rich history.

Secrets inside an abandoned bunker, built to prevent a nuclear disaster in Croatia

Abandoned Douglas C-47 aircraft at Zeljava military base (Photo: GEO).

One of the most interesting sights in Zeljava is the old Douglas C-47, a plane that was widely used during World War II. As reported by Total Croatia News, the company now offers one-day guided tours to explore the former air base for 75 euros per person.

Tourists will experience and immerse themselves in a small part of Croatia’s history.