Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
December 23, 2023

Unraveling the Mysteries of Egypt’s Pyramids: Did Aliens Play a Role? The perfection of these ancient structures baffles experts. How were massive stones moved, carved with precision, and arranged seamlessly? Explore the secrets hidden in plain sight.

Many Egyptian pyramids remain almost intact after thousands of years. Some features of the pyramid are so perfect that some people suspect it is related to aliens.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

Dozens of Egyptian pyramids stand the test of time. These works are considered a lifetime achievement of ancient Egyptian civilization. Over thousands of years of history, these magnificent works make posterity curious because of many mysteries. Among these is that the pyramids in Egypt were built in an incredibly magnificent and perfect way.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

In ancient times, Egyptian civilization was limited in technology. However, the ancients only used rudimentary tools to transport 2.3 million blocks of stone with a total weight of 5.9 million tons. Each block of stone weighs from 2 – 30 tons.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

Some blocks even weigh up to 50 tons. The next unbelievable thing is that the entire block of stone was polished, smooth and flat by the ancient Egyptians with high precision.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

From here, experts were extremely curious about what tools and means the ancients used to get perfect stone blocks that fit tightly together without using mortar. Even sheets of paper cannot pass through the walls of the pyramid.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

More mysterious, the Great Pyramid of Giza is curious because it is located at the intersection of the longest meridian and longest latitude in the world.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

According to measurements by experts, the three large pyramids at the Giza complex form a perfect straight line on the ground and lie directly with the three belt stars of the Orion constellation.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

Not only that, the Giza pyramid faces exactly the northernmost point of the Earth. This project faces the North Pole more accurately than any other project in the world. This makes researchers curious as to why the ancient Egyptians were able to calculate and choose the location to build the pyramid so perfectly.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

Because exact solutions to the above mysteries have not yet been found, one theory is that aliens may have “taught” modern technology to the ancient Egyptians to build the pyramids. Survive with time.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

Conspiracy theorists even believe that aliens visit Earth and use modern technology and equipment to build pyramids.

Suspicious details make the Egyptian pyramid suspected of being built by aliens

However, scientists have not yet found any evidence to prove that aliens are real. However, they did not give up trying to find evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations as well as pyramids.