The lives of Chinese people in the late Qing Dynasty through a series of rare photos

Kane Khanh | History
May 24, 2024

The lives of Chinese people in the late Qing Dynasty, old photos help the public have a realistic perspective on a past historical period

Cuoc song cua nguoi dan Trung Quoc cuoi thoi nha Thanh qua loat anh hiem

US President Ulysses S Grant had a meeting with Li Hongzhang – a minister of the Qing Dynasty in Tianjin in 1879. Senior officials of the two countries met to discuss the development and expansion of trade activities. commercial. This is one of the precious photos taken in the late Qing Dynasty .
Cuoc song cua nguoi dan Trung Quoc cuoi thoi nha Thanh qua loat anh hiem-Hinh-2

Men in the late Qing Dynasty still wore traditional pigtails. In the background are Westerners, partly showing that China has more and more foreigners coming to live and work.
Cuoc song cua nguoi dan Trung Quoc cuoi thoi nha Thanh qua loat anh hiem-Hinh-3

The camel herders stopped to rest.
Cuoc song cua nguoi dan Trung Quoc cuoi thoi nha Thanh qua loat anh hiem-Hinh-4

Horse-drawn carriages carrying goods were escorted by soldiers through the city gates in Beijing.
Cuoc song cua nguoi dan Trung Quoc cuoi thoi nha Thanh qua loat anh hiem-Hinh-5

A group of children formed a dragon head shape and posed in front of the lens of American photographer Carlton H Graves.