The Mystery Of The “Giant With Horns” Discovered In Sayre, USA.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
July 26, 2023

In the 1880s, in Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, approximately 60 human skeletons were unearthed, or so the Moorehead newspaper reported in an article published in 1916.

All the skeletons were anatomically well structured, except for one that showed a rare anomaly: it had two ‘horns’, two inches above the eyebrow, and a height of no less than 2 meters.

Of all the mysterious and disturbing archaeological discoveries, none equals the Sayre Mound in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, USA.

The mound was found at the end of the 19th century by a stroke of luck by three researchers who were unaware of what was under their feet.

These researchers were a group of distinguished antiquarians, including Pennsylvania State Historian and Presbyterian Church dignitary Dr. G. P. Donehoo, A. B. Skinner of the Research Museum of America, and W. K. Morehead of Philips Academy in Andover, Mᴀssachusetts.

During the excavations, they believed they had found the bodies of Native Americans from Spanish Hill, however, when they undid the earthen mound, many skeletons turned up, including several 2-meter-high skeletons and one that drew a lot of attention.

This skeleton presented strange features that had not been recorded among humans: real horns that protruded from its forehead.

It is estimated that the bodies were buried in the 13th century.

More interesting is the fact that the locals had reported strange apparitions that closely resembled the horned skeleton found in the Sayre Mound.

Like many other archaeological and anthropological finds, shortly after the remains were transferred to the Philadelphia Museum, they were “stolen” and never heard from again.

Had it not been for the theft, the horned remains discovered in the Sayre burial mounds would have shed some light on the prehistoric inhabitants who lived in North America at that time.

On the other hand, there are those who maintain that these remains were from beings that served higher purposes.

Which suggests that… a culture of nephilims and their offspring formed the group known as the “glowing ones”, often depicted as horned beings.

Horns symbolize wisdom and rulership and this correlation can be seen in many cultures, where members adorn their heads with horns.

According to a theory by writer Mary Sutherland, the use of horns as an ornament was done to show kinship to an Atlantean bloodline and the right to rule.

Here we see an article in the Moorehead newspaper that described the horned giants discovered at Sayre.

According to Deb Twigg, executive director of the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies (SRAC), this would have been the earliest dated news headline she could find. It corresponds to 1916.

This article mentions that it was

One of the most remarkable scientific discoveries in history”.

In it mention is made of Sixty-eight skeletons of men who lived 700 years ago between Sayre County and Waverly.

“It was stated that a strange member: was 2 meters tall with horns protruding from its skull “…” horns of solid bone that grew in a straight line from the skull, about 5 centimeters above the perfectly formed skull” .
Native American stories tell of an early race of giants responsible for the megalithic structures that can be found throughout North America.

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When the first settlers (conquistadores) asked the Native Americans to talk about the peculiar megalithic structures, they came up with an answer that does not satisfy the skeptics:

“Long ago, the land was inhabited by an ancient race of powerful people who had risen from the sea.”

So and following this line, would this be the truth as the legends of the Native Americans maintain, or is it an evasive maneuver to hide some greater knowledge that very few are invited to know?

Everything seems to be easier to lie when reality is mixed with elements that seem to invite us to learn something about our origins in the past.

Whether or not, it is up to each person to draw their conclusions and add them to their list of knowledge they have regarding these issues.