The Stolen Ancient Greek Masterpiece: Unraveling the Tale of Lysippos’ Horse Sculptures from Chios

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
January 29, 2024

In the annals of art history, the tale of the stolen Ancient Greek masterpiece from the sculptor Lysippos adds a chapter of intrigue and mystery. This captivating story revolves around four majestic horse sculptures and a quadriga, crafted with unparalleled skill by the renowned Ancient Greek sculptor Lysippos. Originating from the picturesque island of Chios, the sculptures bore witness to centuries of history before falling victim to the tumultuous events of the Fourth Crusade.

The Stolen Ancient Greek Masterpiece: Unraveling the Tale of Lysippos' Horse Sculptures from Chios - Archeological News

Chios: Birthplace of the Masterpiece:

The island of Chios, the fifth largest of the Greek islands, became the home of these extraordinary equine creations. Mentioned in the Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai, or “Brief Historical Notes,” a text dating back to the 8th or 9th century, the four horses and quadriga stood as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region. Lysippos, celebrated for his mastery in bronze sculpture, bestowed upon the world a masterpiece that reflected the artistic brilliance of Ancient Greece.

The Fourth Crusade and the Venetian Plunder:

The horses, residing peacefully on Chios for centuries, faced an unfortunate turn of events in 1204. The Fourth Crusade, intended to liberate Jerusalem, took an unexpected detour, culminating in the sack of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Venetian forces, driven by the chaos of war, laid their eyes on the exquisite equine sculptures on Chios and claimed them as spoils of war.

The Stolen Ancient Greek Masterpiece: Unraveling the Tale of Lysippos' Horse Sculptures from Chios - Archeological News

The Quadriga’s Journey: Constantinople to Venice:

Transporting these colossal sculptures from Constantinople to Venice presented a logistical challenge. To facilitate their transportation, the heads and necks of the horses were removed. Intriguingly, during this process, collars were added to cover the vacant spaces where the heads once gracefully arched. These collars, captured in historical photographs, tell a tale of adaptation and resourcefulness during a time of upheaval.

The Stolen Ancient Greek Masterpiece: Unraveling the Tale of Lysippos' Horse Sculptures from Chios - Archeological News

Unraveling the Mystery:

The fate of Lysippos’ stolen masterpieces after their arrival in Venice remains a lingering mystery. Scholars and art enthusiasts have tirelessly searched for clues to their whereabouts, hoping to one day reunite these cultural treasures with their rightful origins.


The stolen Ancient Greek masterpiece from the sculptor Lysippos stands as a poignant chapter in the history of art theft and cultural upheaval. The journey of these horse sculptures from the idyllic island of Chios to the bustling city of Venice encapsulates the complex interplay between war, art, and the preservation of cultural heritage. As the quest for their whereabouts continues, the stolen equine masterpieces remain frozen in time, awaiting rediscovery and a return to the land that once cradled their artistic brilliance.