Unearthed in Sri Lanka is a massive, more than ten-foot-tall skull from 37,000 years ago.

Kane Khanh | Archeaology
December 17, 2023

Bizarre remains of medieval GIANTESS discovered in 12th century grave has one of biggest human skulls ever found

At more than two metres tall (215.5cm) the skeleton of the woman buried close to a church on an island called Ostrów Lednicki in Poland is enormous

Bizarre remains of medieval GIANTESS discovered in 12th century grave has  one of biggest human skulls ever found - World News - Mirror Online

The skull is one of the largest ever discovered

Archaeologists have uncovered the skeleton of a medieval GIANTESS – a woman seven foot two inches tall.

The mysterious 12th century remains were discovered buried close to a church on an island called Ostrów Lednicki in Poland.

At more than two metres tall (215.5cm) – she also had one of the largest EVER skulls to be dug up.

A giant is classified as someone who has not just abnormally tall height but also greater girth.

The condition – which was first diagnosed in the 19th century – is usually first noticed in children and is caused by a non-cancerous tumor on the pituitary gland that creates too much growth hormone.

  Woman's head was found to be facing in the opposite direction

The woman’s head was found to be facing in the opposite direction from other corpses ( Image: Januscz Gorecki)

Researchers analysing what’s left of the woman’s skeleton claim she lived a short life full of traumatic injuries and disease.

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The giantess suffered with acromegaly – a rare condition involving overproduction of growth hormone from the pituitary gland that makes the bones of the head particularly large.

Her spine also showed evidence of degenerative joint disease – probably as a result of her immense height and body weight.