Warriors’ Draymond Green calls out NBA for ridiculously expensive fines

Tony Nguyen | Golden State Warriors
May 25, 2024

It’s no secret that NBA players make plenty of money. In addition to their large salaries, other initiatives such as sponsorships and endorsements add to the amount of wealth they gain. Still, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows financially. With big paychecks come big fines as well. From criticizing officials to on-court altercations, the NBA hands out hefty penalties for players who go against their policies. Just ask Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green.

Green has had to pay his dues plenty of times this season, and he isn’t happy about it. Appearing on The Big Podcast, the forward didn’t hold back when sharing his thoughts about NBA fines.

“The fines to me don’t make sense,” Green said. “As hard as we work to accumulate wealth, coming from situations where most people never make it out (of), and then you get fined the way we get fined? It’s actually not set up for us to be wealthy after we’re done playing.”

Green also made a mention of the programs NBA players go through when it comes to their finances. He wasn’t exactly sold on all of that either.

“The way we’re taxed, the way we’re fined…You know you hear about all these programs…That sh** is to cover everybody’s a**. This program is to teach this guy this. But if I do something wrong, I lose $100,000? Man, it took my mom four years when I was growing up to make $100,000. And I lose that in a night because (of) what? The referee got mad at me, and he didn’t like what I said to him. So I lose $5,000 like that, like on a tech?” he added.

On Draymond Green and being fined…

His comments didn’t exactly go well with plenty of X users. A lot of replies touched on how much money Green has made throughout his career. Others spoke about how the forward’s antics were more than just words to the referees.

Anyone who’s followed the NBA throughout the season knows why Green spent plenty of dollars on fines. It wasn’t just the altercations with Rudy Gobert and Jusuf Nurkic. During the regular season, the 34-year-old tallied a total of 10 technical fouls. In other words, Green’s on-court antics have plenty to do with his sanctions.

Still, on his comments regarding league officials, one could argue that there are times when referees get too trigger-happy with the whistle. A number of technical fouls and ejections this season were viewed as questionable by the general public, and there were instances where players and coaches sacrificed themselves to fines just to criticize the officiating.

While one could argue that there’s room for improvement when it comes to in-game calls, there has to be responsibility from players as well. For Draymond Green, he could start by avoiding situations such as what happened against the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Phoenix Suns.