Your current take on Chris Grier!

Tony Nguyen | Miami Dolphins
August 4, 2024

Over the past few years, outside of starting quarterback Tua Tagovailoa, no other figure associated with the Miami Dolphins has been more loved or hated than general manager Chris Grier. This past week, I asked a question based on the ups and downs of our Dolphins, where they stand right now, and Chris Grier’s part in getting the team to where we are now.

Do you think that Miami Dolphins Chris Grier deserves more credit and positive reviews and less disgust and hate now that the team appears to be in a good place, or do you still see him as either part of the problem or the biggest problem that the team still has?

Below are some of your answers and thoughts on the question of the day-

Dynski19 says, “Chris has done his job.”. Fair enough!

I do get we haven’t won a playoff game, but as far as competitive rosters go this one and last years are probably the best I’ve ever seen. Top 10 in the league maybe 5 I’ve never been more excited to start a season. Chris has done his job, we need a little luck come December and January

finfanfromsiam says he’s just average.

Grier is an average GM IMHO. He hits some and he misses some. Some feel he could have some signings done but didnt. Or did the players gamble and said no to a good contract looking to break the bank? Wilkins agent said as much. Some draftees and FA dont pan out due to circumstances a GM doesnt control(coaching or lack of, injury, lack of effort, ect). GM’s get scorched more than most positions by fans.

Dr.Greenthumb does not seem to be a fan.

ZERO playoff wins. None. Zilch. Thats his result thus far.

SuperG! is “OK” with him.

Overall I like Grier, but he is a mixed bag of good and bad. Some will forever dislike him as GM because of the Tua over Herbert selection and other decisions made during the 2020 draft. The bottom line is that it appears Ross fully backs him, so at the end of the day, that’s all that’s going to matter. IMHO he’s doing a fine job and I’m OK with Grier as the GM.

Call_for_the_Priest’77 says he deserves some credit!

I find it impossible and wantonly irresponsible to give Chris Grier bad marks for his time as our GM. No other person anywhere in this organization deserves more credit than Grier for taking a near 20 year, floundering, ineptly led at all levels franchise to the point of playoff relevance.

The odd boner along the way? Sure. But you don’t get the chance to make a few boners if you are not making a ton of GOOD moves for your team! Show me a GM who hasn’t made a few bad moves during their career! The greatly respected (as he should be) John Lynch in SF? Don’t think so! We wouldn’t have got Waddle were it not for his bonehead move up the draftboard to go get perpetual re-assembly required Trey Lance (eventually moved on to Dallas after about 4 games with SF)! Grier’s drafting of Noah (I never did learn how to spell his name) Igbe or the much maligned Liam Eichenberg (who has yet to prove himself totally unsuitable for the team) look pretty pale compared to Lynch’s move.

We have improved nearly every year since Grier was granted true GM authority after Tannebaum left. He has excelled in drafting, trades and signing FAs. Hiring McD certainly was an improvement over the last HC before him. Bottom line, he has put the pieces in place for us to finally do something! It’s not a fluke.

As for AVG departing for Minnesota, I strongly believe that was due to his liking for – of all people – his former HC in Miami, Brian Flores, who of course is their current DC. I’m sure Grier wanted AVG

but it is apparent that AVG wanted Flores more than the Dolphins. Personally I think AVG should get checked out for post concussion symptoms for his disposition towards and voluntary re-connection with Flores but I will leave that followup for another post. Mentioning AVG’s departure as somehow being the fault of Grier is really reaching for straws. This only supports the argument that there really isn’t much to complain about for one of the best GMs over the last five or more years.

Spok507 says there’s been more hits than misses and I have to agree.

I think Grier has worked to get players who the coaches deem a fit for whatever their needs are. He listened to Flores (until Flores stopped communicating with anyone) and now listens to McDaniel. I doubt he makes a move without the agreement of his HC. So while some things can be considered his fault, I lean more toward the mistakes being collective mistakes rather than just Grier. He’s listening to a lot of input from a lot of different sources. Sometimes he ends up going with the wrong advice and sometimes he goes with the right advice. After all, gauging how any player will play within a system, scheme or situation is basically guess work and intuition. I think he’s had more hits than misses and has given his coaches teams they can win with.

twinssdfan wants nothing to do with Hard Knocks again.

No more HBO Hard Knox I feel he is better than Ireland and Tbaum. Just need more draft picks he has gained them next year. Focus on this year i and many others want playoff win and more.

Bill Moody is concerned about the offensive line and I agree. I don’t know why we have gone what seems like forever without a respectable line. It’s hard enough to win the Super Bowl with a great O-line, let alone our usual half-ass cobbled-together line that we usually run out there.

I’m still concerned over the O-line, a concern I’ve had for 10+ years. Its clear our philosophies differ on how to build a winning team. With that said, I do think he’s done a good job managing the cap and stars. I don’t know if I’ve seen this much star power on the team ever, on both sides of the ball. I do think we are contenders for the Superbowl, with the caveat’s that we need the O-Line to perform and players to stay healthy.

coluccim is rightfully concerned about the cap in the future.

0 playoff wins and 0 division titles.

Yet, everyone will say what a great team we have talent-wise and coaching – if everyone was doing a great job, we would see results.

We have also borrowed probably close to 150 million of future cap—we are already $44 million over in 2025 and $15 million over in 2026.

Miami7 says he’s mediocre but has had some hits to go along with the misses.

He’s been the epitome of mediocre. Missed on high picks – lookin’ as though Scam Smith may be another? Doesn’t seem to know an OL’man from a telephone lineman. He’s hit on a few, but no All-Pro level ‘hits’. He’s made some strange trades that have seemed more an affinity to trade than improve the team in drafts? But he’s brought us Tyreek, Chubb, Ramsey, Armstead and drafted Waddle, Holland, Jackson & Tua and McDaniel. He’s made the team entertaining & competitive, which is more than the last 37 guys they’ve had in the position over the last 25 years!

I will say THE #1 thing I cannot stand from him is the kick-the-$-can down the road philosophy. It’s bit us now a few times and will get worse as his tenure continues.

tvegas897 does not seem impressed with any defense of Grier. Win now or get out!

The excuses for Grier are incredible. Let’s revisit after this season. As far as I’m concerned, he’s out of excuses. Playoff win at the very least or he’s worn out his welcome

DolphinDollar is not on board with Grier in any way.

Yes he absolutely deserves credit for setting this franchise back 20 years. I am going to make this short and sweet, the object of football seasons is to win playoff games and possibly a Super Bowl if you get real lucky. That is where the Grier conversation starts and stops, he flat out has not done it. The man cannot GM a team talented enough to host a wild card game, this guy has swung and missed so many times that we will soon be looking at a 3rd rebuild under his leadership. Probably a nice guy but the Miami Dolphins have not won a playoff game in 23 consecutive years and Grier has been with the organization having a say so in personnel moves for 24 consecutive years, let that sink in for a minute.

daytonadolfan says stop it and leave it to the professionals.

Grier has had some good and bad moments, but overall, I think he’s done better than his predecessors, and time will tell if he hit it this year or not. All of our “Armchair G.M.’s “ seem to know the ins and outs of the football business, I prefer to leave it to the professionals!

glen55 says he’s been masterful!

I can understand how you long-time fans have stuff to complain about, but I just started pulling for this team in 2020 when Tua arrived. During that period, Grier has been something approaching masterful. The roster was dogmeat in 2020 and now it’s a legit contender. The Fins were wiped out by injuries last year, not by lacking the talent to compete.He did a particularly masterful job at navigating the free agent period this year. The team had high-profile losses it really couldn’t afford to avoid, and not enough cap space to take on any big new hires to offset them, yet somehow free agency was pretty close to a wash. That was not far short of miraculous.

Lax2029 gives no credit without playoff wins!

Until this team wins a playoff game it’s about blame not credit. Unless it’s credit for mediocrity I guess. If we win come playoff time it’s likely there will be a number of players or coaches or GM ready to take credit so let’s see what happens. Fingers crossed.

DX@TX has ranked some GM in front of Grier.

These GM’s rank higher than Grier: Caserio, Decosta, Veach, Snead, Tobin, Roseman,Bean and Holmes. Grier is weak in talent evaluation, maybe he needs better scouts?

NRBNRB says he better start drafting better because the cap is about to catch up to him.

He better learn to draft talent, because after 2025, he won’t be able to go buy talent…

sdphinsfan says he’s doing his job.

I think you have to put this question in the proper context. If you do, you have to come to the conclusion that in the history of this franchise, the results we’ve gotten from the GM position have largely been poor or mixed. There were the early years of the late 60’s and early 70’s where it seemed we “hit” on every pick or trade. But since then, it’s been alot of “meh”.

Most fans of other teams feel exactly the same way. They’re a little happier in KC today than they were 10 years ago, but just about everybody else has mixed feelings about the GM position. Everybody thinks they can do it better, and they can’t, unless you let them go back and re-do their mistakes.

Grier has had his successes, and failures, in the draft. He’s had successes with trades, and failures. He’s signed players to great deals for the franchise, and he’s had some clunkers. To this point, he’s done more right than wrong in my view. And to get over the top, he needs the one thing that has eluded this franchise since the early 80’s. He needs players to perform.

I don’t like that he devalues interior OL. I don’t think our scouting department is all that great as a whole. But I also remember back in February all of the hand-wringing about the roster, the lack of cap space, the lack of draft picks, etc…And yet he’s managed his way through that and given us a 2024 roster that has a chance to compete. That’s his job. The rest of it, paying it off with post-season success, is on the coaches and players.

SlayerNation1 has Grier “trending up.”.

I would say Grier has been a slow learner and/or slow to evolve. For instance, hiring Flo as a quick fix, all things New England are turnkey successes, well after there was endless evidence to the contrary. Once He came to grips with the modern NFL and its favoring Offense, He did make the necessary pivot. He put together an Offense-first team. He also did what is near impossible to do in the NFL: surround His hand-selected QB with the most Alabama-like weapons.

Grier probably made the same amount of mistakes as any GM, we are hypersensitive to this team. The point is, He is trending UP.

In the spirit of focusing on the open window and what is ahead, I would appreciate that, at the moment, Miami has a GM,HC,QB all trending UP and improving.

62Lou would have given him his pink slip long ago.

GRIER – is average a best. I would have FIRED him years ago as he has had some horrific draft busts. after the TANK season the dolphins had (5) 1st round picks and 4 second round pics over a two year period… Ross deserves more credit BC its his money that bought almost all the best players we have now. Mostly bc of Grier’s draft failures. compared to the rest of the NFL he’s about average. Until the dolphins win a playoff game and division title – his management has nothing to brag about…

edwinpena says overall not perfect but pretty good.

My take on Grier is that overall he is pretty good. No GM is perfect, that’s for sure. They all make blunders, some of which can cost the franchise for years & years.

Outside of a few unforgivable moves like the 1st round drafting of Noah Igbah -Nobody vs RB stud J. Taylor (Colts), the losing of Wilkins, Hunt , AVG, all of whom should have been signed perhaps a year or two earlier, not even getting to free agency. The rest of what Grier has done has been pretty good. This is a talented roster, fast as heck, and with depth at every spot. His signing of this effervescent coach MM is also on his watch. Overall, as Phins fans, we could do much worse than having Chris Grier. For example, anyone want Mike Tannen-Bum back ??

It sure is nice to be nearing the season so that we get some decent traffic on the question-of-the-day posts. The consensus is that there is no consensus. Some see him as great, others are in the middle and some think he’s a dumpster fire. Yep, sounds like a group of my fellow Phins Fans! Thank you to all of you who took the time to answer our question of the day. Join us tomorrow when I will ask another question of the day assuming the storm does not knock my offline for a day or two.

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