Your Take On The Importance Of The Pre-Season

Tony Nguyen | Miami Dolphins
June 13, 2024

Last week, I posted that I had seen more than one Miami Dolphins fan express concern over last year’s 1 and 2 pre-season records. Their point, the best that I could decipher, was that a poor pre-season record somehow translated to struggles during the regular season. I then asked-

Do you see any correlation between how the team plays in the preseason and how the regular season goes? If you do believe it has a spillover effect, why?

Below are some of your thoughts and answers-

dedstrk316 says nope! Most of the big names will spend most of the pre-season in street clothes.

Hell no. Hill, OBJ, etc, probably won’t even play much. Armstead. Just enough to knock the rust off. I don’t think it means anything. Now, if our starters play and don’t do well that’s a different story.

coluccim thinks that outside of getting a bead on our third-string QB or seeing if Cam Smith can finally bring it there isn’t much more to worry about.

This is our 3rd string QB’s, 3rd season in the offense. If he doesn’t look comfortable, that is a big problem (especially since QB2 isn’t that good).

If we see Cam Smith getting torched by guys that will be packing groceries in 2-3 weeks, that is a problem.

Everything else, doesn’t really matter. We don’t usually have any camp battles here – no battles for specialists either.

Most likely 2 of our drafted guys will be on the practice squad, 1 undrafted guy will make the 53, and some fringe backup will have a season ending injury.

The biggest concern if if we keep an extra receiver over an extra lineman.

Call_for_the_Priest’77 sees the importance of pre-season, especially when installing a new scheme or cementing the cohesiveness of a rebuilt unit.

Where I see preseason as useful is to iron out new schemes and adjustments for the regulars. Once again this year sees a new DC coming onboard. I certainly wasn’t satisfied with the defensive output in the last preseason game last year. PS final scores don’t overly impress or bother me much at all. I’m more concerned with what we are doing during the games that leads to the end result.

Now sure we can say it’s PS with PS personnel primarily in that game. But then consider the drubbing our defensive regulars took in week #1 of the real deal at LA(C). We got the win only because Tua played lights out and drubbed them 2 points more than they did on us! That tells me that our D regs should have been featured more, maybe a lot more during PS. In fact, given Fangio’s newness to the club at the time, this was something I suggested should be done before the PS games last year. I’ll give Fangio and the D credit for much better performances against NE and DEN following the LAC game but then they returned to disaster against BUF in week #4.

I’m also watching to see how our adjusted OL comes around. Unless the team is dead set against the idea, I would love to see Patrick Paul get some work at one of the guard spots. Despite some rational (and irrational) resistance to this idea, I believe it merits due consideration, unless the team has already ruled it out on just grounds. Aaron Brewer will have something to prove in his new digs, namely his pass protection skills. Why not put him to work in the PS so he gets with the system faster? And as always the other newbies along with Patrick Paul will have everything to prove.

So PS offers something for everyone to varying degrees. Let’s make good use of it. Let’s get ALL our guys ready this time for week #1. Let’s show the league we are ready to improve upon a very good record last year. Let’s show the rest of the AFC East we mean business right out of the gate and all the way to the finish line. We can do this if we get a great jump start on week #1, coming out of the preseason gate!

sdphinsfan says they don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing…

Preseason games don’t mean a thing, other than maybe if you have new support staff, it can give them a dress rehearsal before the real thing starts.

However, the joint practices that generally occur before preseason games, those can be a huge benefit, especially if your developmental players or new players to your roster are healthy enough to participate.

PhinstantReaction does not think that the wins or losses matter, only that the operation looks crisp!

I don’t think preseason wins matter at all. What I do think matters is that the team looks fluid. The operation is crisp. There are many blown assignments. I’ve yet to see that since Mike has gotten here. I think he has a very top-heavy approach to the team. Good operation in the preseason shows that a team is well coached top to bottom and that, once injuries do hit, you can have great depth and seamless transitions in-game or in-season because the entire team is bought in. Not just the top 30. That said, I do think Mike is a great coach but the constant changing of the guard on defense could be a long term problem for him.

21Dave isn’t buying it either!

Preseason games are not pointless but doesn’t matter who wins in my mind. I would only play my 1’s first quarter of each game just to give them live reps. After that is all about everyone else and who makes the team. Gives the players a chance to show how they can help this team. I’m not sure I would give my starters even a full quarter of play. Last thing any team wants is a player to go down for the season in a preseason game. Remember McMillain? I might leave my OL in a bit longer to help them form there gel and gets the reps in, but other than that, it’s for players to make the team or adjust to a new role.

PGPhinsFan believes that pre-season can be a representation of how good your depth is heading into the season.

I think there is some correlation. I think it shows the depth of the team. If your team preforms well it shows how deep they are. Doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t going to have a good year.

TheRoo1 sees what the hoodie was doing!

Established top teams seem to play poorer during the preseason, they are not risking stars, and are giving rooks and newcomers more reps.

Conversely, it seems

like poor teams look better in preseason, their giving starters more reps, and pressing more overall.

finfanfromsiam says no, but the pre-season does serve to give the rookies a bit more experience.

Very little correlation except live practice of concepts for newer players against a different opponent.

daytonadolfan says there is no correlation either, but it is a chance for us to see the rookies and what they can do in a game situation.

Evening! No correlation, just a good chance to check out the rookies. Also a good chance for the coaches as well to get their game plans in order even though most of the plays on both sides are vanilla plays to begin with

It seems as if the majority is on the side of “it doesn’t matter” if we win or not during the pre-season. Those that disagreed or disagreed to some degree did make some solid arguments for why we even still need the pre-season.

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to give their thoughts and answer the question of the day. Join us again tomorrow evening when I will ask yet another question, if I can think one up!

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