4,800-year-old skeleton of a mother holding her six-month old child. She is believed to be an ancestor of the Austronesian peoples that spread across the Pacific. Taichung, Taiwan, Dapenkeng culture, 2800 BC

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Archaeologists in Taiwan have found a 4,800-year-old human fossil of a mother holding an infant child in her arms, museum officials said on Tuesday.

3,300-Year-Old Sandals of King Tutankhamun – The African History

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who, in the New Kingdom of Egyptian history, was the last of his royal family to rule at the end of the 18th Dynasty. His father was Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was believed to be the mummy found in the KV55 tomb. In ancient Africa, King Tut was one of the great rulers. The research, published

The Mummified Animals of Ancient Egypt

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

4 reasons Egyptian animal mummies were created — and what the mummification process involved. (Spoiler alert: Think turpentine enemas.)

An Egyptian man taking a selfie with a 2000 years old Roman era portrait of an Egyptian man.

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

The term encaustic designates painting in which beeswax is mixed with pigments. The technique was first used by Greek painters of the fifth and fourth …

The preserved body of John Torrington, one of the Franklin expedition mummies left behind after the crew was lost in the Canadian Arctic in 1845.

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

Though this body is more than 170 years old, five feet of permafrost kept it perfectly preserved, with skin and hair intact, after all these years.

6,000-year-old baby found cradled in mother’s arm

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

Archaeologists in Holland have found the 6,000-year-old remains of a baby cradled in the arm of the woman believed to be its mother. The infant, which experts believe may have been a newborn or as …

The woman from Skrydstrup

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

This is how the Skrydstrup woman’s coiffure is made.

The shoe of a Roman legionnaire, found during the excavations of a military camp near the German city of Saalburg. Ca. 100 BC – 100 AD.

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

When the Romans pushed their way north into the German provinces, they built (circa 90 AD) The Saalburg, a fort that protected the boundary between the Roman Empire …

Archaeologists uncover 3,000-year-old ancient weavings in Alaska

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

In a press announcement by the Alutiiq Museum, archaeologists have uncovered fragments of ancient weavings during excavations of an ancestral sod house on Kodiak Island, …

The Astonishing Architecture of Lalibela’s Monolithic Rock-Hewn Churches

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

In the heart of Ethiopia, there lies a town of unparalleled beauty and wonder. Lalibela is home to eleven monolithic rock-hewn churches, the largest of their kind in the world, which have been standing for at least 800 years.

Despite Widespread Reports and Photographs, the National Geographic Society Has Not Discovered Ancient Giant Human – BYA NEWS

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

The hoax begaп with a doctored photo aпd later foυпd […]

The truth about the ‘QR code’ left by the Mayans 2000 years ago, tourists scan the code and receive unexpected results

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

The mystery of the Mayan civilization always causes a lot of curiosity and even surprising rumors. The story about ancient “QR codes” below is an …

Sumerians looked to the Heavens as they invented the System of Time… And we still use it today!

08/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

One might find it curious that we divide the hours into 60 minutes and the days into 24 hours – why not a multiple of 10 or 12?

Enigmatic Creatures Hunted By Noble Artistocrats During The Reign Of King Rama V Of Thailand: A Captivating Visual Journey – BYA NEWS

07/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

“Eni𝚐m𝚊tic C𝚛𝚎𝚊t𝚞𝚛𝚎s H𝚞nt𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 N𝚘𝚋l𝚎 A𝚛ist𝚘c𝚛𝚊ts D𝚞𝚛in𝚐 th𝚎 R𝚎i𝚐n 𝚘𝚏 […]

Scientists Were Shocked When They Found These Secret Hidden Chambers Inside The Sphinx – BYA NEWS

07/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

EGYPT’S Sphinx in Giza could be the entrance way into […]

The Legend of Gilgamesh- In human history, there are numerous stories and legends, one of which recounts the existence of prehistoric giants, like the “gods” known as the Anunnaki in the Sumerian civilization.

07/12/2023 By Kane Khanh

In human history, there are numerous stories and legends, one of which recounts the existence of prehistoric giants, like the “gods” known as the Anunnaki …